Chapter 19

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**Maddie's POV**
With the Quidditch season over we are suddenly hit with a wave of homework. The teachers seem to feel the need to constantly remind us that our OWLs are approaching.
"How do you get all this work done?" Fred asks, scratching the side of his face with his quill, leaving a black smudge.
"I work quickly and don't complain," I reply, measuring an essay for Professor Binns, "done!"
George groans loudly.
"I'm not even halfway!" he cries. I lean back in my chair.
"Well shut up and do it then," I mutter, rubbing my eyes sleepily. Fred mutters something under his breath.
"Shh," I say, trying not to laugh.
"Don't you have Transfiguration homework?" George asks as I pull out my drawing book. I shake my head.
"I finished it before dinner," I tell him. They both stare at me in disbelief.
"Do ours then!" Fred says, "go on!"
"No!" I cry, "you'll never pass your OWLs if you don't try!"
"Why would we want to pass them?" George asks.
"What'll your mother-"
"Stop!" Fred holds up his hand, "that's good enough reason."
I smile and get to my feet.
"Where're you going?" George asks.
"For a walk," I reply, "to visit Remus."
"I'll come!" Fred says, leaping up.
"No, you won't," I say, "you'll stay here and finish your essays. If you've not finished History of Magic and Transfiguration by the time I get back I'll curse you both."
I leave them beside the fire and climb out the portrait hole. I walk through the castle to outside Remus' office. I raise my fist to knock, but stop when I hear my name.
"-Maddison doesn't seem to be effected as badly by them as Harry," Remus says.
"Because of the charm!" McGonagal replies, "but we know that could fail!"
"And with the prescence of the dementors it is more likely to," Dumbledore's voice adds.
"Perhaps we ought to remove it," McGonagal suggests.
"No!" Remus cries, "you know how it would effect her! And not with exams coming up!"
"I agree with Remus," Dumbledore says quietly, "we do not know that it will break."
I hear footsteps approaching and leap back down the hall, pretending to just be arriving. McGonagal and Dumbledore walk out of the office, both looking concerned. When they see me they both plant smiles on their faces.
"Miss Black, what're you doing?" McGonagal asks.
"Visiting," I shrug.
"Haven't you got homework to do?"
"I've finished," I reply. Dumbledore looks impressed.
"Maddison," he says seriously, "I have a preposal for you."
"Would you be willing to cover your sixth and seventh years next year?" he asks, "I believe your father's cousin has shown interest in tutoring you to be an auror?"
"Yes, professor," I nod.
"Considering your potential," he says slowly, "it would be a shame to keep you here longer than necessary. Perhaps you could do your final two years as well as begin your training?"
I stare at him, astonished.
"Do you think she's capable, Minerva?" he asks McGonagal, a slight smile on his face.
"Certainly," McGonagal says.
"So, would you like to do that?" Dumbledore asks. I nod slowly.
"I'd love to," I reply, somewhat taken aback by this.
"Excellent! I'll contact Nymphadora," Dumbledore says, "good evening, Miss Black."
"Good evening Professors," I say as they walk away. Somewhat vaguely I knock on Remus' door.
"Come in!" he calls, sounding strained.
"Uncle?" I say, opening the door. He straitens up and smiles.
"Maddison, shouldn't you be doing homework?"
"I'm done," I tell him, sitting down behind his desk and putting my feet up on it.
"And the boys are?"
"Studying," I reply. He looks at me in disbelief.
"I threatened to curse them," I explain. He nods.
"That makes sense."
I let silence fall for a few minutes.
"Uncle, Dumbledore just offered-"
"I know," he interrupts, "Nymphadora and he discussed it with me. What did you decide?"
"I'm going to go for it," I tell him.
"Good," Remus smiles, "I thought you would."
I nod slowly.
"It'll be weird," I say, "doing my NEWTs next year when none of my friends are."
Remus watches me closely.
"Is there something else on your mind?" he asks. I shift in my seat.
"Umm... Well, over Christmas-"
Remus suddenly laughs.
"What?" I ask, confused.
"You're not going to break the news of you and George to me, are you?" he asks, chuckling. I blush deeply.
"You knew?"
"Of course," he says, still laughing, "walking through the corridors hand-in-hand isn't very discreet."
I laugh too.
"I didn't even notice," I say, "we try not to be couple-ish around Fred."
"Very considerate," Remus says approvingly, "although I'd prefer no couple-ish-ness at all..."
"I'm fifteen," I sigh, "aren't I meant to be boy crazy?"
"Never having been a fifteen year old girl I can't say," Remus replies, a twinkle in his eye, "perhaps I should ask Professor McGonagal."
I let out a snort of laughter.
"Imagine her boy crazy," I giggle.Remus chuckles softly.
"You've got our map!" I say, suddenly noticing the Marauder's Map on his desk.
"You knew about this?"Remus asks. I blush deeply.
"Umm... Yeah, Fred, George and I found it," I confess.
"Where?" Remus asks, staring at me.
"Well, it might have been in Filch's office," I say slowly, "it's hard to say. It was a long time ago."
"So, you gave it to Harry?"
"Umm..." I shrug and try to look innocent.
"You do realise what Black could do with this?" Remus snaps. I feel my temper ignite and see my hair turn red.
"WHAT?" I yell, "what would my father do with it?"
"He could enter the castle using it!" Remus yells back, "he could slip, undetected into Gryffindor tower!"
"And WHY would he want to do that?"
I shake my head.
"No," I hiss, "no, I don't and neither do you! My father would never betray his friends!"
"How would you know?" Remus scowls, "you don't remember him!"
I freeze, the blood thundering in my ears. My hair slowly turns back to black.
"I know he wouldn't," I say more calmly, "and deep down inside you know it too."
"I still don't understand how you knew this was a map," Remus says, tactfully changing the subject.
"He told me about it," I reply quietly, "he told me what it was and how to use it. When we found it I knew exactly what it was."
"And you never thought to mention it to me?"
"I knew you wouldn't approve," I sigh, "although, why is beyond me. You got into loads of trouble when you were at school, didn't you, Moony?"
I hear Remus' sharp intake of breath and look at him.
"He told you about us?"
"No," I reply, "but it's pretty obvious."
"Oh?" he raises his eyebrows at me.
"Well, yeah, I mean, Moony, duh, Padfoot cause Dad's an animagi that can turn into a dog, Prongs I'm guessing is Uncle James because of Harry's patronus..." I pause, "and Wormtail would be Peter Pettigrew."
"Yes," Remus nods, "sometimes it can be a curse having a charge as intelligent as you."
I grin at him.
"Speaking of curses, I'd better see how those boys are getting on," I say, getting up, "goodnight."
"Goodnight," Remus says.

As soon as I climb through the portrait hole I see George asleep in his chair and Fred making a pot of ink levitate above his head. I pull out my wand and point it at the pot of ink. I mutter a spell and the ink pot explodes. Fred and George both leap out of their chairs, ink dripping from them.
"Finished?" I ask, "scourgify."
"Uh, yes," George says, rubbing his eyes, "I did actually."
He hands me his two essays.
"Fred?" I hold out my hand. He hands me his too.
"I'm impressed," I tell them honestly.
"You should be!" Fred says.
"We'd fail without you here," George says. I look up from his essay.
How will I tell them I only have one year left?

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