[PATRICK] You Tell Him You're Pregnant - Part Three

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You're sitting on the couch, your legs pulled into your chest and your chin resting on your  knee caps. Spread out on the coffee table in front of you are all the brochures the woman at the clinic gave you. You've read all of them and  you've made up your mind, about what you're going to do.

Patrick walks out of the bedroom hallway and yawns, stretching his arms out and holding them there before dropping them to his sides and seeing you.

"Well someone got up early," He greets with a chuckle.

"It's eleven thirty,"  You retort indifferently, setting your feet down on the ground and leaning forward, collecting all the pamphlets and shoving them into the drawer.

"Yeah, that's early," He comments, making his way into the kitchen and opening the fridge. You stand up and join him in there, crossing your arms and leaning against the counter. He glances back over his shoulder at you and swallows the lump in his throat. "Hey, um..." He closes the refrigerator and leans back against it, mirroring you, "...I know how upset you got yesterday-"

"I'm not upset," You cut him off.

"You're not?"

"No, not anymore."


You take in a quick breath and peel yourself away from the counter, "Patrick, I love you, and losing you is that last thing I want to do. But I don't want to lose this baby either." He hangs his head and rubs the back of his neck.  "You know, I know I'm only nineteen and I get just a little more than  minimum wage at McDonalds, but there have been a lot worse situations  that babies have been born into. And it's not like I'm going to be a bad  mother and neglect-"

"I'm not worried about you being a bad mother," He interrupts you, heaving a sigh, "I'm worried  about..." He shakes his head and brushes past you, "Never mind, this is  stupid."

"This isn't stupid!" You scream at him, turning around and following after him, "Patrick, we need to have this discussion!"

"No we don't!" He shouts back, "It's clear you've chosen the baby over me, I get it!"

"I'm not choosing anyone over anyone!" You cry, "Look, I know this is a lot to take in and all,  but..." You scoff, "...you're acting like a child right now!"

"Because I still am a child!" Patrick snaps at you, spinning around to face you, "(Y/N), don't you see? I don't not want this kid because I don't think you'd be a good mom. You'd be a great one! You and I both know that. That's not it.  It's...I don't want this kid because...because I'm just not fucking  ready!" He sighs and plops down on the couch, covering his face with his  hands, "I mean, I still have to go to sleep with a light on, for fuck's  sake..."

You can't suppress the giggle that escapes your lips. "Well what's so wrong with that?" You walk over and sit down beside him.

"How many fathers do you know that can't fall asleep without a light on?" He grumbles, lifting his head out of his hands and glancing over at you.

"One," You answer softly, running a hand through his disheveled, just-rolled-out-of-bed hair.



He rolls his eyes and looks away from you.

You bite your lip and tilt your head down, twiddling your thumbs in your lap, "Look, Patrick, if the only reason you don't want this child is because you're afraid you're not mature enough, you've got it all wrong. You're one of the  most mature guys I know. I mean, just look at Pete and Joe. You're way  more mature than they are."

"They're not immature, they're just stupid," Patrick remarks, the corner of his lip perking upward into a smirk. You smile. He looks back at you out of the corner of his eye, "That's not the only reason, though, (Y/N)."

"Then what is it?"

He takes in a deep breath and lets it out slowly, "I just don't want us falling victim to  the same thing a lot of young couples do when they move too fast too  young."

You rest your head on his shoulder and curl up beside him.

"We've only been dating for a year and a half, (Y/N). Not even. We moved in together four months after we started dating. And now...now you're pregnant. I just..." He rises to his feet and puts his hands on his hips, "...it's all happening too fast for me. And you know what else is going to happen fast? Our  break up. And if there's a child involved...things are just going to be  even more complicated than they already are."

A blanket of silence falls over the apartment, Patrick's heavy words lingering in the air.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" You croak.

He remains facing away from you, "I don't want to, (Y/N), but there's no other option..."

You can't hold back anymore and tears spill from your eyes.

"I'm really sorry,  but..." He begins to apologize, turning around to look at you again, only to see you stand up and walk towards the door, "(Y/N), where are  you going?"

You don't even respond to him before yanking the apartment door open and leaving, slamming the door behind you.

"(Y/N)!" Patrick screams, running up to the door and pulling it open, "(Y/N)! WAIT!"

In the end, you ended up  having the baby. It was a girl. She was absolutely gorgeous, and you've never felt more love towards anyone that you did towards her. You decided to keep her, as well. You just couldn't let her go.

After you left Patrick, you went to go stay with your parents. They were very understanding and welcomed you back with open arms, even after you told them your situation. Although living with your parents made you feel like a kid  again, you couldn't complain - your mom watched your daughter while you  were at work and your dad helped you out with buying the necessities,  such as diapers, formula, the works (since minimum wage barely covered  anything for you).

It wasn't until about eight months after your daughter was born that Patrick reached out to you, asking you the burning question of whether or not you kept it. You told him you did. He asked if he could see her, and as angry as you  still were with him, you couldn't deny him the right to see his  daughter.

So...you invited him over one day.

To Be Continued...

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