[PATRICK] A Daydream Dressed Like A Nightmare - Part 2

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"Please, let me kiss you," He begs.

You stare at him for the longest time before nodding your head yes. The corner of his lips curl into a smirk before he leans in and gently presses his lips against yours. But just as you're about to uncross your arms and pull him close, the door flies open and Sister Jude bursts in. She gasps in horror and yells for help. You try to tell her everything's okay, that he wasn't trying to hurt you, but it's too late. Within seconds, security personnel rush in and reprimand Patrick, pushing him down to the floor and pinning his arms behind his back. Sister Jude grabs your hand and yanks you out of the room.

"I swear, we can't get one day of peace here," She tells you as she drags you away, Patrick's screams echoing down the hallway.

You look back, tears wavering in your eyes.

April 27th. A day you'll never forget. That last day you saw him, your daydream dressed like a nightmare.


At least, April 27th was the last day you saw your daydream dressed like a nightmare in person. Several dismal months passed at Briarcliff, Patrick's absence taking a heavy toll on you. The friendliness you once possessed has disappeared. You've grown distant from your patients and your acts of care have become more of a routine than out of the kindness of your heart. It's very evident. Anyone and everyone can tell, especially Sister Jude.

One day, while organizing the patients' medications into their own little paper cups - your movements similar to that of a robot - Jude walks up besides you and catches your attention. "Can I help you?" You ask her, your voice flat.

"Do you mind if I pull you away for a little bit?" She replies, "I want to talk to you."

"Maybe some other time, Jude...I've got to distribute these." You pick up the tray full of pills, and almost instantaneously, your boss takes it out of your possession and into hers.

"I'll have someone else do it. You and I need to talk."

You heave a sigh and follow Jude as she walks out of the room, handing off the tray before beginning her journey around the mental institution. The two of you walk down the halls side by side, passing by some of the patients as well as some other employees.

"Can I ask you something, dear?" Jude finally breaks the silence that's fallen over the two of you, "Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine, Sister," You try to convince her.

"And I'm a saint," She retorts sarcastically, stopping you in the middle of the hallway and turning you toward her, "(Y/N), ever since Mr. Stump was...released, you haven't been the same, you've been different. Even the patients are taking note of your change in behavior." You frown at her. "Honey, I know it's been hard, but I speak for everyone when I say I can't stand seeing you like this."

"I'm fine, Jude, really. Don't worry about me."

"But I do, because you're not. That's why I've decided to let you go."

Your eyes grow wide. "What? No, Jude, please, don't do this! This is my life; those patients are my everything. Oh, Sister, you can't let me go. I-I don't have a home or a family to go back to. This is my home and family."

She places her hands on your upper arms and smiles at you. "I know, but I think it's best for you to take some time off. Relax a little. Pick up a hobby. I don't know, just do something that isn't mope around all day. And you don't have to worry about not having a home, because I bought one for you. In California. I want you to get as far away from here as possible, clear your mind."

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