[PATRICK] After You Put Him To Bed

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You're sitting at dining table in Patrick's kitchen, watching as his son, Declan, finishes his crayon drawing. Patrick's downstairs in the basement with his wife, Elisa, and the two of them are arguing. You have music playing loudly to prevent their screams from reaching their son's ears.

"Done!" Declan announces proudly, picking up the piece of paper and showing it to you, "Look at it, (Y/N)!"

You smile, taking the drawing into your possession to get a better look at it. "Who's that supposed to be?"

"You, silly!" The three year old giggles, snatching the drawing out of your hands and climbing down from the stool he was perched atop of. He scrambles over to the fridge and grabs one of the magnets from the stainless steel surface, using it to display his latest piece of artwork. "There. Now everyone can see it!"

You chuckle nervous and get down from your stool, removing the drawing from the fridge and suggesting, "Maybe you should just keep this in your room, Dec. I don't think your parents want a drawing of me on their fridge."


Your cheeks fade into a deep shade of red as you struggle to come up with an appropriate response, one that won't let the small boy know that you're the reason for all of his parent's fights.

It began about two years ago, when Elisa wanted someone to watch her son for her so she could go back to her job and her husband could spend his days at the studio with his band, recording music for their next album. You applied for the job not realizing whose family you were involving yourself with, moving into their home and acting as their full-time nanny.

When you first started out, Elisa adored you. You and Declan got along perfectly; the boy didn't even cry when it came time for his mom to leave for work. All of the things she was plagued worrying about when she was dealing with everything on her own had fallen upon your shoulders, and you knew how to handle it. Life was easier for the rockstar's wife, that is, until her husband came home.

It wasn't anything serious in the beginning, just a little harmless flirting the singer was engaging in with you. You couldn't help but reciprocate the actions, the man charming and funny - just your type.

One night, however, when Elisa was out with her friends, you and Patrick were left to the house all by yourselves. You'd tucked Declan in and read him the story you always read him, and as you were heading up to your part of the house, the attic, where you had your own bedroom and bathroom, even a small kitchenette (though you barely used it since you were always using their kitchen), Patrick stopped you and asked you if you wanted to give your thoughts on a new song he was writing. Pushing your exhaustion aside, you nodded your head in agreement and followed him to the basement where he kept all of his instruments and recording equipment.

He didn't end up playing the song for you, not that you even really cared. Instead, he pulled you close and caught you by his lips.

Naturally you pushed him away, your loyalty to his wife still in tact and untarnished back then. You asked him what he was doing and he told you he was following his heart, as cliche as it sounds.

Confused, you raised an eyebrow. He took this as his cue to list off all the reasons why he kissed you - the flirting, the way you take care of his son, the way you look even when you first wake up and haven't cleaned yourself up. Those were only a few of the seemingly infinite reasons, but ultimately, it worked. And before you even realized it, you and Patrick were having sex in the home studio, your moans and screams muffled by the soundproof barriers laced with the room.

For months the two of you sneaked around the house, getting together whenever Elisa wasn't there, which was easy on the days she had work and the band was taking a well-needed break from their studio sessions. You knew it was wrong, but you couldn't help falling harder for him each time you spent with him. He had that kind of effect on people.

You wanted the affair to last forever, but like all good things, it came to an end. An abrupt one.

On a night you thought Elisa would be gone for a while, you put Declan to bed and Patrick swept you away into his bedroom. The two of you were under the sheets when she walked in, having forgotten her purse, and saw you sitting on top of her husband, the sheets covering your bottom halves but exposing your bare tops.

Needless to say, you didn't spend the night there. You spent it at a friend's, the pressure of your actions' consequences keeping you awake for days. Reality really set in for you when, one morning, your friend's doorbell rang and when the door was opened, your bags were on the doorstep.

You never thought you'd get your job back or return to the household, but about a month or two after the whole incident, you got a call from Elisa, begging you to come back and help her. You were hesitant to agree, but eventually did.

When you arrived, not knowing what to expect, she laid down the law. You were only supposed to spend time with Declan and Declan only. If he was taking a nap, you were to clean up around the house - do the dishes, switch the loads of laundry, etc. After you put the boy to bed, you were to leave. And if her husband was around, you weren't needed and didn't have to come in for the day.

Desperate for the money, you had no other choice than to comply with her rules.

Things were going great. The trust you lost was slowly being regained, and in no time, you were starting to return the old swing of things. That is, until Patrick came back from being out on tour.

He didn't know about his wife's rules, or maybe he did and he just chose to ignore them, because the second Elisa had left the room, he tried to make an advance on you - you still being there because you weren't informed that he'd be there. You rejected his move, much like you had the first time, but this time you weren't so naive and didn't let his charm pull you in.

The singer continued doing this after returning home, catching you on your way out and offering to walk you to your car. While walking beside you, an awkward tension resonating between you and him, he'd tell you about how he missed you while you were gone, and that he wanted to leave Elisa to be with you someday. All he had to do was gain the courage to actually do it.

Unfortunately for you and him, Elisa heard him tell you this and that trust you'd been working to get back was destroyed for the second time.

She didn't show it, of course, faking her smiles and forcing herself to plant kisses on her husband's cheeks to keep him thinking that everyone was okay; sharing laughs with you and telling you all about her day as if nothing was wrong. However, you and Patrick weren't stupid and quickly caught onto her, her act a little too telling.

And today, the fuse that had been burning for a long time finally reached its end and the dynamite exploded.

"Huh?" Declan asks you, bringing you out of the silent daze you'd fallen into.

A nervous grin appears on your face as you reply, "Because they probably want other pictures that you like to draw. Like that train you drew that one time!"

"Oh," The three year old murmurs dejectedly, looking down at his picture and frowning, "You don't think Mommy and Daddy will like this one?"

Before you can respond to him, the basement door slams open and hits the wall beside it, the loud and sharp sound attracting yours and Declan's attention. You watch as Elisa rushes out of the doorway, not even bothering to meet your worried gaze before heading upstairs. Patrick follows shortly after, actually taking the time to look at you - a pained expression on his face - before racing up after his wife.

"Guys!" Declan exclaims, joining in on what he thinks is their game of tag and darting after them, "What do you think about my drawing!?!"

"Declan, no!" You shout, running after him.

To be continued...

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