[PATRICK] His Ex Wife Is A Problem 4

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You and Patrick both look down at Declan, regret instantly washing over the two of you.

"Let's continue this somewhere else," Patrick mumbles, getting up from his chair and slipping into the front hallway. You stay in place, anger boiling up inside of you. He glances back over his shoulder and meets your gaze, nodding his head to indicate that he wants you to join him.

You look down at Declan who's on the verge of tears and frown. You walk around the counter and join Patrick's side, where he yanks you into the living room for privacy and mutters under his breath, "What was that?"

"What do you mean 'what was that'?" You reply just as quietly and angrily as him, "You're the one who started it!"

The singer scoffs. "Well you're the one who's been giving me the cold shoulder all morning. I walk downstairs and it's like you're trying to get as far away from me as possible without actually leaving my house."

You shake your head, fed up with everything. "Patrick, I-I don't think I can do this if you're not going to change."

His eyebrows furrow together. "What do you mean?"

"I mean...I don't know if I can keep seeing you if things keep going like this," You try to get across to him. But there's a disconnect between you and him. "You blamed yours and Elisa's split on her, because you guys constantly fought and never saw eye to eye on anything, but have you ever thought that maybe the reason why you guys didn't work out was you?" You ask him. A look of disbelief crosses his face. "I just don't want us ending up like you and her, Pat."

"We won't."

"But we will," You argue, "Just look at us. We're fighting right now. You pick stupid fights, Patrick, and the only reason we haven't had one until now is because we haven't been together long enough. What's going to happen when we move in with one another? Get married? Maybe even have kids?" You swallow the lump in your throat and tilt your head down. "I don't want to be like her, Patrick. I'm not Elisa. I'm me. But I don't think you see me like that."

He stares at you, still understanding the words coming out of your mouth. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm just your rebound, Patrick, her pathetic replacement!" You snap, realizing your outburst and covering your face with your hands. You don't want to admit it, but Elisa got to you. She burrowed her way inside your head and had you questioning everything you thought you knew. You remain hidden and silent for a little bit before running your fingers down your cheeks and dropping your hands to your sides. "I know you're not over her. And with my luck, you did see her that night, and it probably wasn't the first or only time." He opens his mouth to say something when you put your hand up, silencing him before he can even start. "I don't want to know. What I do want to know is...did I honestly ever have a chance with you?"

The singer frowns. "What kind of question is that?"

"Your son asked me if we were going to last, Patrick," You confess, though he already knows, "And you know what I told him? I told him we were seeing how things go because I couldn't give him a definite answer. We've been dating for almost a year, almost twelve whole months, and I couldn't tell your son whether or not I could see myself with you five years from now, or ten years from now. Don't you think I should know after a year whether or not I can see myself with you?"

Patrick brings his hands up and cups your face in his palms. He swipes his thumbs across your warm cheeks. "Can we please not talk about this?" He pleads.

"Well then when are we going to talk about it, Patrick?" You reply out of pure frustration, "Because if not now, when? Never?"

"Please don't do this," He begs you, "I don't want to fight anymore."

"Well, Patrick, I don't want to be in this relationship anymore," You tell him, stepping away from him and out into the front hallway. You snatch your bag up from where you left it the previous night and sling it over your shoulder. You turn your head and look into the kitchen where Declan is still at the counter, preoccupied with mindlessly poking the pancakes he lost his appetite for. The corner of your lip perks up before you turn away and leave Patrick's house, closing the door behind you.


"NO!" Declan screams as Patrick tries to take him out of his car seat, his hands covering the buckles that his dad needs to undo.

The singer heaves a sigh and tries to get his son's hands out of his way. "Come on, Declan. Your mom's waiting!"

"NOOOOO!" He cries, holding onto the buckles even tighter, "I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK TO MOMMY! I WANT TO GO TO (Y/N)!"

"Patrick, what's taking so long?" His ex-wife calls out to him from the front door, an annoyed expression on her face and her arms folded over her chest.

Patrick gives up trying to get his son out of the car and makes his way over to Elisa. "Thanks to you, he's been giving me trouble for the past two days."

The corner of her lip perks up and she laughs. "Sucks, doesn't it?"

"I'm not being funny here, Elisa," He tries to get across to her, "You ruined my life, like you always do!"

The singer's ex-wife scoffs. "I ruined your life? I spent almost ten years with your pathetic ass and even married you and gave you a kid. What have you done for me, huh? Go away for months on end to hang out with your friends? Tease me with all the girls dying to get in your pants? Okay, Patrick, I'm definitely the one who ruined your life." She rolls her eyes, sarcasm dripping from her mouth.

Patrick opens his mouth to yell back at her when he realizes that that's the thing that got him here. That it wasn't Elisa that was ruining his life, it was him always wanting an argument. Looking back on his long-term relationship, he realizes that the reason she stopped wanting to be a mother and a wife, stopped loving him and telling him he was the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with, was him, and his need to always find something to argue about.

The singer closes his mouth and tilts his head down. "You know what, Elisa? You...You're right. I'm the one who ruined your life." Her eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. "And I know it's too late to change things between you and me, but it's not too late for me and (Y/N). So I'm sorry, I really am, but I've got to go." He leans in and gives her a quick farewell kiss on the cheek, flashing her a smile before retreating back to the car.

"Wait, Patrick!" Elisa shouts as he closes the opened back seat door and slips into the front. "PATRICK!" Declan stares at his dad as he starts the car up and shifts it into drive, pulling out of the driveway and speeding away.

"Dad?" The boy asks worriedly.

"Yeah, Dec?" He inquires, keeping his eyes locked forward as his grip on the steering wheel grows tight.

"Where are we going?"

The singer swallows the lump in his throat and replies, "We're going to a place I should've gone a lot sooner."

To be continued...

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