Chapter Three

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Chapter Three
~Dr. Sean Green~

"Sang Sorenson." I roll the name off my tongue as I look over her school application form for the twentieth time since McCoy and Hendricks approached me about being her adviser. I was all to happy to say yes, and relieved because the poor girl couldn't speak. A need inside me wanted to protect her from the animals in this school.

The application only came in last week and by that point, the boys including myself and Owen had pretty much put faces to names of every student that comes to this school. When we looked over her application, one single word stood out to all of us. 'Mute'.

Although I knew Owen didn't want to, he asked for the boys to keep an eye on the girl, even more so when we learned that she also lived down the same street as Nathan and Kota. We didn't want any of the hooligans in this school to take advantage of the girl that couldn't speak.

Owen sighs from his chair opposite me as he flicks through different paper work. I move my eyes from the paper I'm holding up to him. "It's an unusual name, Owen. I may be a little fascinated by it." His eyes move to me, his face the perfect blank mask. "How many Sang Sorenson's have you met in your twenty years of life Owen?"

My best friend sits back in his chair, slipping his pen into the breast pocket of his suit jacket. The guy seriously brought his own pens into school because the ones provided weren't  up to his standards. I'll admit now that I even brought one of my own, but I'd never admit that to him. "I can't say I have met someone with the name 'Sang', because I haven't and you know I haven't."

He pauses and I raise my eyebrow, knowing he hasn't finished what he's saying. "It's the way your saying it, Sean."

I blink. "And how am I saying it?"

His eyes narrow at me but I keep my face natural, relaxed. "You are saying Miss Sorenson's name like they're the best words to ever leave your mouth, Sean."

Now I narrow my eyes at him because damn him, he's right. Her name rolls perfectly over my tongue and tastes like syrup as it goes past my lips. Fucking hell, she's a student and I'm the teacher.

But then I'm remember, I'm only twenty and this isn't my real job. I'm a doctor, that's my real job, not this stupid teaching thing I said I would do so we can catch Hendricks and McCoy and make this school better than what it is now.

Sang Sorenson is sixteen, the same age of the boys. Her birthday is the day after Nathan's. Not like I can forget it now anyway, I've ingrained it into my own brain by reading the same words on a piece of paper so many times I've lost count.

I haven't even met the girl. She could have real bad hair, pimples and wonky eyes or something. But that name, it's beautiful and I've pictured her as beautiful in my head.

Just shut up, Sean, I tell myself. Her name's beautiful, so what? Charlotte is a pretty name, and so is Rebecca and Daisy. I sigh, now glaring at the face of my best friend. He knows he's got me, caught me out. Damn him. "Fine, your right."

"I know I am, and it makes me happy."

My eyebrows raise to my hairline as my eyes move over his face; a blank mask. "Really? I couldn't tell."

My phone buzzing has me standing and removing the device from my pocket. I bring up my messages and see I have one from North.

North: I'm pretty sure Sang Sorenson is waiting for you, her adviser.
Sean: For some reason North Taylor, I could picture you growling. Are you jealous?

I let out a chuckle as I send the reply. "Miss Sang is ready for me so I'm going to go." I straighten my tie quickly before trying to tame the blonde curls on my head. I need a hair cut, but if I get one then the curls will go tight, making me look like I've had a fresh perm. I might grow it out, like Luke and Gabe are. I can already hear them laughing at the thought.

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