Chapter 1

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I was lying on the couch looking through my newsfeed on my phone. Im babysitting my brother but Im pretty sure he can take care of himself.

"Kaite, wheres the bacon?" He asks.

I sighed because I didnt feel like getting up, but I did and I headed towards the fridge.

"Here but if you make a mess, you're cleaning it up. Do you understand?"

We had a staredown before he even said something. "Its bacon, how is it a mess?"

I wanted to yell because he was always right even though Im the older one.

"Im gonna take a nap," I reply. I dont know why but Im always tired. I'm probably the most sleep deprived person in the world.

"As always," Jake says. I ignore his comment and fall onto the couch as my sleepiness got the best of me.


I woke up to someone nudging me so I supposed it was Jake.

"Go away," was the only thing I could manage to say. Then I realized he gave me a kiss on the cheek. Okay, that is not Jake. I turned around and saw Harry. "Hi Harry."

Wait a minute. Isn't he on tour?

"HARRY!" I shout, getting off the couch and jumping on to him.

"You havent changed one bit. Stop napping." I laughed at his comment.

"What are you doing here?" He seriously should be on tour.

"I wanted to see my baby." I love when he calls me that. Its so cute.

"I missed you Hazza."

"I missed you too Kaite."

We were hugging and kissing here and there. It was the perfect moment ever.

"Cool it off. Big bro in the house," Jake says. When did Jake come in?

"FYI, we're older than you," I argue. I love when Im finally correct.

"Yeah but Im taller than who? Oh right. You." Dang it. I am pretty short though and Harry is like a giraffe.

"I hate being short." I seriously do. I have to stand of my tippy toes and he has to bend down just to kiss me.

Harry said, "Youre cute though." He just makes me feel better all the time doesn't he?

"Thanks," I say, giving him a kiss. I saw Jake leave, which is a good thing, and I layed back on the couch.

"Another nap?" He asks as I laugh.

"No. Well you're here so no." He looked so serious. I wonder why. "Whats wrong?"

I had to ask him. He looks so upset.

"Its nothing. Are you mad at me by any chance?" He asks as I give him a confused look.

"Why would I be mad? " What did he do?

"Nevermind. I gotta go run some errands. I'll be back soon."

"Okay?" That was strange. I suddenly got a phone call from Louis.


"Is this Ms. Toniette?"

"I know its you Louis." He could never prank call me.

"Ok. So have you seen Harry yet?"

Yeah. He just left actually."

"Did he tell you what happened?" He sounded serious too. Whats going on?

"What happened?" I had to know.

"If I tell you, you cant tell him I was the one who told you."

"Ok." I dont know whats going on.

"We were in Australia and we went to a bar--"

"Oh boy." Bars are never a good story.

"Harry had one to many drinks and he made a girl do a lap dance on him."


"Yeah." With those words, it broke my heart. I hung up the phone not caring if he called back. Why didnt Harry tell me? By now, I was crying my eyes out. I didnt want to see Harry or talk to him ever again

Truly Madly Deeply in Love // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now