Chapter 6

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I forgot when I fell asleep but I woke up to my brother who was pushing me.


"Im leaving." He seriously did not just say that.

"You woke me up for that? You couldce just wrote a note!"

"Oh yeah. Sorry sis. Later."

I hate him so much right now. He knows how much I love sleep. Here comes another long day. I wish I could go back to sleep but I couldnt. I turned on the tv in my room and in every channel, it was One Direction. Unbelievable. One channel thats not them. Just one! I turned it off and went downstairs. It was a bag of food. It had a note on it.

Good morning darling. Jake let me in and I got you your favorite. I'll call you later.

Love ya. -Perrie

I love her. I didnt have much of an appetite so I just put it in the fridge. There was a knock on the door. I opened it seeing Harry. I tried to close it but he was too strong.

"Go away Harry."

"C'mon. Let me in. Its pouring out here."

I looked at the sky. It was gray and there was a lot of rain.

"You can stay out there."

He ignored my statement and came in.

"I didnt invite you in." I wanted him out.

"Guess what? I dont care."

"What do you want anyways? My forgiveness? Cause thats not gonna happen."

"I have no feelings for Delilah. I was drunk."

"Then why was she at Starbucks?"

"I honestly have no idea. You have to believe me."

"You know what hurts me the most? Youre the one who made her do it."


"Thats not an excuse Harry. Drunk or not, you wouldnt do that."

I feel confident against Harry. I knew what to say at this point. I always knew long distant relationships never work. Theyre stupid, like Harry.

"Im sorry Kaite. I really am but I had nothing to do with her in Starbucks. Cant you see I only love you?!"

Did he say love? This is too fast.


"Yes. Kaitlyn Marie Toniette, I love you more than breathing. No one else. Just you. Youre all I think about and its not even funny."

"Harry, I think you should go."

"What did I say?"

"Nothing. Just please. Go."

Truly Madly Deeply in Love // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now