Chapter 8

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Well that was awkward. I thought I'd never have an awkward conversation with him. I headed off to Nandos and I saw Niall sitting there eating. He sees me and waves his hand over his head telling me to sit with him.

"Hey Katie. What're you doing here?"

"I work here." His eyes widen.

"Really? You should get me some food."

I laugh at his thought. I wouldnt do that on my first day. "So why are you here?"

"Im meeting with the boys."

"All of them?"


"Ok. See ya later Niall. I'll be behind the counter."

"Yup yup."

I walked to see Mindy, my boss. She walked towards me looking angry.

"Kaitlyn, you are 2 minutes late!"

"Sorry, I was talking to a customer."

"Thats no excuse. You have to be here right on time! We discussed this."

"I said sorry."

"Kaitlyn Toniette, this is your first day. Dont screw it up any more."

"Please call me Katie."

"I call you whatever you want."

She walked off and yelled at the other workers. I turned around and saw everyone staring at us. Even the boys. I hope they just got here. I headed towards the cashier and took some orders when Harry came up.

"You ok?"

"Yeah. How much of that did you see?"

"Enough to tell that Mindy is a total bitch. Why are you even working here?"

"To pay for my college fund."

"I thought you got a scholarship."

"Half, Harry. Only half. Not all of us are popstars that has $10,000,000 in their wallet."

"How did we get from you jumping on top of me to us fighting?"

I didnt want to answer that question.

"Kaitlyn! Come clean the mens toilets!"

I really hate Mindy but thank god she called me.

"I should go, Harry."

I walked towards the mens bathroom. Ew. The guys bathroom. Before I opened the door, Harry stepped in front of me.

"Give me. I'll clean it."

"Why? This is my job."

"Im not letting you in there no matter how much you hate me. You just go in the girls bathroom and do whatever girls do in there."

He went inside with the scrubber and soap. Thats so sweet how he helped but Im still mad at him. Mindy headed out so I didnt have to be worried about being yelled at.

Its been 10 minutes on the cashier. The other workers werent bad. They were actually funny. They kept me company. Harry finally came out of the bathroom with this weird look on his face. I wanted to laugh so bad.

"That is so gross. Quit this job."

"No one told you to do it and I have to keep this job. College remember?"

"Well if the shedevil needs you to clean the guys bathroom again, tell Louis to do it."

I laugh as he headed towards the guys. Chloe, one of the workers, came up to me.

"Is he your boyfriend?"

"Yeah. He is."

"Youre dating Harry Styles? You lucky chick."

"Thanks Chloe. Oh yeah. Table 3 needs chicken wings."

"Its their third order of them." I laugh. Who eats that much chicken?

When I finished work, I headed home. I saw Jake watching tv.

"Hey Jake. Did you do anything today?"

"Nah. Not really. You got a letter."

"This late at night?"

"Yeah. Its from Stanford."

Stanford? My college Stanford? He pointed to the kitchen table where I saw the envelope. I opened it and read it,

Dear Ms. Toniette,

We are really glad you have chosen Stanford University as your college. Your dorm number is 201 in the East hallway where your classrooms are. We're really smart to give you half of the scholarship. We'll see you next month.

Sincerely, Board of Education.

What? I reread the whole thing carefully. I didnt pay for it though. How'd they give me a dorm if I didnt pay? They gave me a number to call if I had questions so I called.


"Yes. Is this Stanford office?"

"Yes. How may I help you?"

"Who paid the other half of a scholarship for Kaite...I mean Kaitlyn Tonietter?"

I heard the keyboard click here and there. "Harry Styles did. Anymore questions?"

"No. Thank you."

Truly Madly Deeply in Love // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now