Chapter 45

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I dont like the coldness. It gets me sick to my stomach and I look like a retard when Im sick. Achoo! Oh. Thats not pretty. I was in Harry's bed with about 10,000 blankets on and hes still sleeping. I hate being sick.

"Merry Chistmas babe."

I love his morning voice... And when he calls me babe. Its the perfect combination.

"Merry Christmas Harry."

"Are you sick?"

"A little."

"I'll get medicine."

"Im fine. Its just a little cold."

"Ok. Whatever you say ma'am."

He reaches up to kiss me.

"Im sick."

"So what?"

He kisses me anyways and goes downstairs. Im spending Christmas with his family. I should probably go home first. I dont really do these presents stuff but I give good gifts. I think. Harry returns with a pile of clothes.

"Here are some sweaters, sweatpants, scarves, hats, gloves... All those girly stuff."

"Harry. I. Am. Fine."

"Im trying to be a good husband."

"And you are. I have to drive back to Jake though."

"I'll go with you."


I got my bag and went into his car. Damn it is freezing here. He laughs and hands me a warm blanket. I give him a puzzled face.

"Youre always cold so I packed one just in case."

I didnt say anything and grabbed he blanket. After 15 minutes, we arrived. The house wasnt decorated but I dont think theyre in the Christmas mood. I ran inside.

"Merry Christmas!"

I look around and there was no one. Oh thats nice. Just when I was going to be sad, Jake was here.

"Merry Christmas Kaite."

"I got you a present."

"Is it a lacrosse stick?"

"No. You have way too many... Here."

I gave him a bag. When he opened it, his face was weird.

"Thanks for the knitted sweater."

I heard Harry and laugh and so did I. Jake was so confused.

"Im kidding. Heres your actually present."

I handed him a box and it was a pair of Beats.

"I always wanted these... How did you afford them?"

"I had money saved up from college."

"Sweet. Thanks."

"Thats not all."

We made him walk outside and his face was in major shock.

"You got me a...a....a car?"

"It was mainly Harry but yeah."

He turns to Harry.

"But why? All Ive done to you this year wasbeat the shit out of you."

"I know but youre my new brother and youre Kaites brother and you were only being a good brother."

"Thanks mate."

They smiled and hugged a little before Jake turns to me.

"Thank you Kaite. So much."

Truly Madly Deeply in Love // Harry StylesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz