Chapter 27

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Its been one week since I last saw Harry. He hasnt been to Taco Bell. He hasnt been on Twitter. He hasnt even bothered to pick up. Today was Gemmas wedding. I really didnt want to go but Im already Gemmas girl. I have to be standing with her up there. I had one too many fittings for the dress and I hate it more and more each day. I finally got up and brushed my teeth. I decided to curl it because I love curly hair. Curly Hair. Why did everything remind me of Harry? Anyways, I did my hair and got ready. Not for the wedding, to Gemmas house for the last fitting before tonight. Did I mention the wedding is in their backyard? Its huge. They decorated that place for days. My phone was vibrating.

"Hey Kaite."

"Hey Bride."

"Are you coming yet? My mom is like freaking out."

"Yeah. Im on my way."

"Ok. See you there. I mean here. Oh whatever. Bring Jake too!"

She hung up the phone. I dont think Jake is a wedding dude and I dont want him around Harry too. If hes even there. No. Hes going to be there. Shes his sister. I was already in my car as I drove to Gems house. As I got there, the outside was decorated too. There was like million of flowers and workers are putting more up. I went inside and saw all the bridesmaids and Gemma. She was getting her makeup done.

"Hey. Have a seat next to me."

I did as told and sat next to her. The makeup artist started putting stuff on my face that I never knew about. Poor face.

"Are you excited?"

"Honey. Its my wedding day. Im freaking out!"

"Wheres the Groom?"

"His name is Joe and hes getting ready too. Just not in the house."

"Is any guy in the house?"

She looks at me.

"Harry isnt here. Dont worry."

Anne walked in through the doorway holding a box.

"Sweetheart, you look beautiful."

"Mom, she isnt even done with my makeup."

"I know but I want you to wear this."

She opened a box and it was a beautiful hairclip. It was a floral flower with rhinestones here and there. It was amazing.

"Its your great-great grandmothers."

"Its lovely. Thanks mom."

She would hug her but the guy is doing her makeup and hes a "professional."

"Oh, Kaite. Is your corsage going to match Harry's tie?"

I look at Gemma and she looks at her mom.

"Uh. No. We're not really on the good side lately."

"Oh. Im sorry. I totally forgot."

"Its ok."

She walked off and then the wardrobe girl lead me to a room. Is there people for everything? She handed me my dress from the previous fittings and I put it on. For the first time, I like a dress. It was very simple and vintage at the same time. Ok. Im set. Makeup. Check. Hair. Check. Dress. Check. Heels. Never in a million years. Im done with heels. Me and the designer had a little argument but he finally let me wear flats. As long as they match the heels. I heard music playing outside.

"Its show-time."

I looked out a small mirror and saw a whole bunch of people. I even spotted Harry. He was sitting in the table closest to us on Gemmas side. 2 bridesmaids walked down the aisle with their partner. Now, it was my turn. I grabbed the boys arm and we walked through a door. I saw everyones eyes look at me. I caught Harry glancing at me but he looked away. Did he laugh? I finally made it to where the bridesmaids were and there came Gemma with Robin. She was beautiful. Her dress was long but not too long. It was lace and sequin. There was sparkles and ruffles and it was perfect. Weddings. When they said their I Dos and kissed, we headed outside to eat. I sat at a table across from Anne and Robin and sat there rolling the tomato around. This corsage was itchy. It was a spare one since you-know-who didnt give me one. Speaking of him, he makes his way here and sits next to me.

"You know you can choose something else besides the tomato. I know you despise them."

I looked around the place and it was a huge buffet.

"Well I didnt get it, your dad did and I didnt want to be rude."


He hands me a box with a hazel-green flower corsage in it. He opens it and places it on my hand. It was soft.

"I saw youve been scratching your hand the whole time and forgot to give you it."

So he didnt forget about the corsage.


"Also, nice flats."

"Was that why you were laughing?"

"Its sorta weird not wearing heels to a wedding."

"Id like to see you wear them."

He laughs and then I join him.

"Wait. This is wrong. One week earlier, we were fighting and now we're laughing about heels. You should be mad at me."

"I can never stay mad at you and you know that. I was upset you declined me but Im not mad."

"Then why didnt you pick up your phone?"

"I wasnt ready to talk. You didnt think I was good enough."

I look around.

"Can we talk about this somewhere else?"

"We cant really leave. Its a wedding."

"Then I'll talk about it later. For now, I dont want to talk."

"Fine. You want to dance?"

"You know me. I cant dance."

"Come on. Its not that hard. I learned some moves while I was on tour."

"Oh yeah. Where are the guys?"

"They were busy but stop changing the subject. Lets go!"

He pulled me out of my seat and lead me to the dancefloor. Whoever is watching, this is gonna be amusing. It was a slow song so Im not gonna fall. Harry guided me and told me to follow the music. I listened and I was getting the hang of it. I stepped on his foot a couple of times. I hope it didnt bother him.

"Im glad you didnt wear heels now."

"Thats what I said."

We danced and danced until the song was over. I always thought he was a bad dancer. Proves me wrong. Hes still holding my hand and guides us back to the table. Thats where we saw Jason and Macy. Oh lord

Truly Madly Deeply in Love // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now