Chapter 26

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I did not want to answer that.

"I mean, did I do something wrong? I do everything for you and anything for you."

I look away trying not to cry.

"Kaite. Talk. Why did you turn me down? Dont you love me?"

Thats it. My eyes bursted out with tears. Jake from out of nowhere showed up and came to our table.

"Lets go home."

I seriously thought he was sleeping but I followed him out. Seeing Harry was too emotional.

"Stop crying."

"Its kind of hard."

"Youre lucky I was here."

"Thanks Jake. Im gonna go somewhere."


"I dont know!"

His eyes widen from hearing me yell that loud.

"Sorry. Im just gonna...gonna go."

I look down and walked away. I landed inside of Nandos where Chloe was. It felt like ages since I was working here. I saw Louis in there instead of Niall. Thats different.

"Hey Katie. What brings you here?"

"That Harry and Jake isnt here."

"I heard about the proposal--"

"Dont talk about it."

"Sorry but why? Dont you love him?"

"Im only 19! You guys dont understand my life. Everything thats happened is becoming worse and worse. I actually wish I was a different person right now because my life sucks! Nothing is right anymore."

He was shocked at what I say. I never yelled before and I was taking it out on Louis.

"Im sorry Louis. Im just...frustrated."

"Its ok. Im gonna leave."

I didnt let him talk and went straight home. I was glad Jake wasnt home but I did want company.

Harry's POV

I was walking out of Starbucks and saw Jake. He gave me a threathening look and walked towards me.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Making my sister cry and yell?"

"I should be the one thats upset dude."

"Well your not and she is."

"This has nothing to do with you."

He shakes his head and punches me in the guts. Oh god that really hurts. I watched him walk away. I need a doctor pronto. Louis was walking down the street looking mad like Jake. Please dont punch me too.

"You ok Harry?"

"No. I was punched in the guts."

"You deserve it after the way you treated her."

"I didnt do anything! All I did was propose."

"I know but a lot has happened to her and I think youre rushing things."

"Did you talk to her?"


"Where is she?"

"Dont disturb her."

I rolled my eyes and ran to her house. Of course she doesnt answer. How the fuck am I gonna get in? Oh right. I had Kaites key. I jammed it in and wiggled it around and it opened.

Kaite's POV

I was lying on my couch. The tv was on but I didnt pay attention to it. Why cant I fall asleep? I should start worrying about what dress Im gonna wear for the wedding...IF I go. I shouldnt but I love Gemma. I heard the door open and it wasnt Jake. It was Harry. Itried acting like I was sleeping but it didnt work.

"I know youre not sleeping and Im not leaving until you talk."

"Hi. There. I talked. Goodbye."

"Kaite. Tell me whats wrong."

"Why are you so certain to know?"

"Because Im your boyfriend. And I have a doctors appointment later."

"For what? You got a flu from being nosey?"

"Im not nosey. Im concerned and your brother went all crazy on me and now I have this."

I opened my eyes and saw a huge bruise on his stomach. At least its a purple butterfly.

"Jake did that?"


"Im so sorry. Jake has been over-protective lately."

"Youre lucky I love you."

"Harry. Im still a teenager. I cant get married right now. Im not in college yet. I dont want to rush things."

"Its ok. Why didnt you just tell me?"

"Its sort of hard."

"Is there anything else in your mind?"

"The baseball school."

"What about it?"

"I told them Im going."

"What? I thought you werent going."

"This is my dream Harry. I didnt want to go because of you and Jake but this is what Ive been hoping for ever since I loved baseball. Thats a long time Harry."

"We've been going out for a long time too."

"I know. Ive had to choose between you and my dreams."

"Stop saying its your dream. First you say Im your dream. And then Stanford is your dream and now this."

"I have a lot going for me. Its like saying you cant go on tour."

"I hate tours! I love my fans but I miss my home. I miss family. I miss you."

"Youre not changing my mind. This is finally a good thing in my life."

"And Im not?"

I didnt answer him.

"Fine. I guess Im no good for you."

I was about to say something but he walked out of the house. That left me standing there in tears. Just what I needed.

(Next Chapter is the wedding! Yay. <3 I hope you fans are liking this story. Vote and Comment. It would mean a lot. <3 XO -Michelle)

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