Chapter 49

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Harry's POV

I immediately ran to her but it was no use. All I saw was a body and blood. Oh my god. I put her onto my lap and I see her face. Its pale and cold.

"Kaite. Kaite. Wake up. Dont do this. Kaite."

That was no use either. I took my phone out and called 911 right away.

"Hello? I need an ambulance NOW! Im on Seddars Street and hurry!"

I hang up and go back to looking at her. I didnt get the others because I didnt want more people noticing. Why am I so stupid? I couldve stayed in there and she wouldmt be like this. I heard the siren and it was coming our way.

"Ok. We will take her to the hospital and get her checked up. Do you want to ride with her?"


They loaded her onto a gerny and lifted her up into the ambulance. I make my way up as well. The doctor started attaching equipments to her all around her body. At first I was going to kill him for touching her but then again, hes a doctor.

"Shes breatheing."

"She is?"

"Yes. But it might be just for now."

My hope went straight back down again. I took her hand and held it onto my heart.

"Please Kaite. Dont leave me. I know youre strong. Strong enough to last this. Dont go."

It was probably weird with other people in here but I dont frickin care. Some tears fell from my face but I did my best to keep it there. We arrive at the hospital and they took her into a room that I wasnt allowed in. I sat there looking like an idiot. How did I not see this coming? Why did it happen to her? Damn it. I wish it was me instead. My phone kept on ringing and ringing but I ignored them. I just wanted the horny doctor to come out already. I just hope shes ok. Thats all I want. There was footsteps close by. I look up and see... Jason? What the fuck?

"Wow. Wow. Wow. What are you doing here?"

"I was picking up meds for my mom and then saw you."

"Go away dude. She doesnt want you here."

"Can I find out what happened?"

"No. Get out."

"Something happened to my best friend and Im concerned."

"Nothing happened. Just get out of here."

"I understand why Kaite is mad at me but why are you?"

"You made Kaite's life turn upside down!"

"No that was you for your information."

"Just leave."

"Not until I find out what happened."

"Fine. A fucking car hit her when she was crossing the street ok?"

I didnt know if I was mad or crying at this time. I think I was both. He sat down next to me.

"Im sorry."

"I dont need your sympathy. Do me a favor and get out of my sight."


He did as I said. I never really cried in front of someone. I only ever cried in front of my mom. Not even Kaite saw me cry. The doctor came out with a clipboard.

"Ms Toniette is doing fine. She has minor bumps but she will recover in no time."


"May I ask who you are?"

Truly Madly Deeply in Love // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now