Chapter 58

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It has been one month in Italy. Mia was right. It gets pretty boring but I still love it. Today I am at home. My real home in London. I got back yesterday night. Im visiting for a couple of days and then flying back to Rome. I havent talked to anyone at all. Not dad. Jake. Jason. Or Harry. I rolled off my bed and went downstairs. This place is so small.

"Good Morning Daddy."

"Gotta run sweetheart."

He smacks a kiss on my head and fast walks out of the house. Glad hes back to normal.

"Morning Jake."

"Lacrosse. See ya tonight."

He grabs a pretzel and runs out of here. And Im left alone. Again. I go back upstairs and change into my sweats and a hoodie. Now this is my style. I stare out the window to see if my neighboors were awake. I missed my deserted street. It had a lot of people but I never see any of them. A red bus passes by. Red bus? Uh oh.


I should of seen this coming. I slowly walk downstairs until they ran the doorbell a hundred times. When I open it, I couldnt breathe.


I couldnt see who said that because they were piling over me. This brings back so much memories. When they pulled away, Harry was standing in the middle with his arms out.

"Theres my babe."

He pulls me in for a hug and my eyes were popping out of my body.

"Let the girl breathe Hazza."


He pulls away but his arms never leave my waist.

"Okey Dokey. Simon says be there at 2:00. Its is 8:00. Harry, you have 6 hours. Got it?"

"Yes Lou. I know math."

He laughs and everyone left but Harry. Was this his plan? I move away from his arms so I can get me a pretzel.

"So I see youre back to yourself."

"I am and Im proud."

"Louis has been going all buisness with me."

"I can tell."

"Why are you mad?"

"Im not."

"Are we playing this game?"

"Harry. I am more than mad at you ok?"

I take off the salt of the pretzel and begin eating it. I havent had a decent meal in forever.

"Why did you kiss me then? Before I left?"

"Because I do love you Harry but its your actions."

"So you never liked me? We're just friends with benefits?"

"No. Harry. I liked you from the--"

"I get it. You never wanted me to be your friend and you never wanted me to ask you out."

"This is what I dont get about you! You make such a big fuss about everything."

"Well I have dated much better girls than you!"

What? He has? I could see it hurt him more than me.

"Yeah. You heard me."

He walked through the backyard and dissapeared. This is why I dont come home. How could he say that? Its probably true though. There are dozens of girls prettier and smarter than me.

Truly Madly Deeply in Love // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now