Chapter 38

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"Just because I made a mistake?"

"Im too young Harry! Im still a teenager and I have a lot going for me!"

"Im a popstar. You dont think thats rough for me?"

He was right. Why does everyone have to be right? I hate myself.

"Look. I get that this is moving fast but I dont care because I love you. I would do anything."

"Im not forgiving you."


"What the fuck Harry! You go make out with a girl at a clun and tell me you love me. Its like Delilah all over again. How do I know you wont do that to me when we're married?"

"I dont know if thats gonna happen again but, youre the only girl for me. Before I met you, girls come and go. Its still in me but I want you to stay with me. Youre the only girl that understands."

"So were you."


"You kissing and making out with all those girls hurt me. A lot. I cant forgive you for cheating on me. What have I done to you?"

"Nothing except be my incredible girlfriend.. And fiancé."

Dont fall for it Kaite. Be strong. Stay strong.

"Im not buying it."

"Kaite, Im super super super sorry I made out with her. You know me. Its a habbit but inside I only want to be with you. Only you. You bring the joy in my life."

"Hows the wedding planning?"

I didnt want to talk about the girl anymore.

"Youre still marrying me?"

"I asked you a question."

"Um... Its going well. I just dont know if you want white roses or red roses. I tried picking them out but they both looked lovely. Also, I didnt know if you wanted to do vows. And I dont know if you want a buffet or planned meals."

"I thought you were hiring people to do that."

"Im hiring them to help. I wanted us to plan it out. Isnt it our wedding anyways?"

"Yeah. It is."

Something in me caused me to smile. He took out books of flowers and other wedding stuff.

"Where did you get these?"

"I bought them."

"For the wedding?"


"And I got these."

He went inside his closet and handed me a box.

"I was going to give you it on the day of the wedding but Im not sure if thats still going on."

I opened the box slowly and it was a necklace. A gold heart necklace. It wasnt some cheap $100 necklace people buy in stores. This one was antique and looked very valuable.

"It was my grandmothers. She told me to give this necklace to someone who I love with all my heart.... And thats you."

I was speechless. I was still holding the necklace and a few tears dropped from my face. The necklace was beautiful. I cant believe he gave me this. I never knew this side of Harry.

"I love you Kaite. I really do."

I ignored him and gave him a hug. He quickly hugged back and gave me a kiss on the neck.

Truly Madly Deeply in Love // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now