Chapter 23

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As we left the mall, Harry drove me to my baseball tryouts.

"How long have you been waiting for these tryouts?"

"2 months. You drive slow."

He squints his eyes and drove faster. A lot faster. Im suprised he didnt get pulled over. When we arrive, I see my coach. I missed her. It took forever until it was my turn. I started getting nervous because what if I mess up?

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah. Just a little scared."

"The Kaite I know is not scared."


I look away from the coach and look towards Harry.

"Youre gonna be great."

I walked onto the field and put my helmet on. I practiced a couple of swings and then it was time. The pitcher threw a four-seam fast ball and I hit a home run. He threw a knuckleball and I hit another home run. I knew the next one is a curveball. The one I miss every year. I look at Harry and he seems worried. Here goes nothing. The pitcher threw the ball and curved. I swung my bat and I hit. I did it. I hit a curveball! I ran to Harry as he ran to me. He lifted me up and spun me around.

"I did it Harry."

"Duh. I knew you had it in you."

"Kaite Kaite Kaite... Youve practiced."

I turn to face my coach.

"I have. I cant believe I hit a curveball."

"Its not your weakness anymore. You have talent in you."

"Thank you Coach Jude."

"You should go to Baseball school. You can compete with the best baseball players there is."

"That sounds expensive."

"Sweetie. Youre the #1 player. You get a scholarship."


"Yes. The course starts in August."


I was way too excited to talk.

"I'll tell you more next week."


My smile was never wider. I needed this. I need happiness. When I turn around, I saw a sad Harry.

"Whats wrong?"

"Youre going to this baseball thing?"

"Yes. Of course I am."

"And youre going to Standford?"


"Kaite. Its March. College starts next month. Youre gone for 2 years and now youre going to the highest baseball league?"

"Yes. I have off college on August so it works out."

"You dont get it do you?"

He walked back to the car and took off. What the fuck? He was my ride. And what dont I get? This is my dream to go to Stanford and I would love to train with people like Derek Jeter. I walked back home. By myself. Which took 45 minutes. He knows Im lazy and he made me walk. When I reached home, Jake was there. Jake.

"Youre back."

"Yeah. The charges were lifted but I have this anklet around me that tracks where I am."

"Youre home."

"Didnt we discuss that?"

"I just missed you."

Truly Madly Deeply in Love // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now