Chapter 53

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I dont know where me and Harry are. Ive been spending my nights at this motel. I was sort of low on money. It wasnt the best place in the universe but it was okay. I also found out Ted lives next door. Thats crazy. I wanted to check my phone but it was dead anyways and I didnt have the charger. When I opened the door, I was swarmed by paparazzis. Shit. I try to make my way out and bumped into someone. I look up seeing Harry. Run! I push past him and ran to my car as fast as I can. When I get in, I lock my doors and began to cry. Wait. Was he here for me or Ted? I dont get this. There was tapping on the windows but I ignored it and drove off. I didnt care if I ran them over. I pull up into a café nearby. Its way too early to be this upset.

"One medium coffee please."

"Ok. That will be $2.94."

I hand her a $5 bill and she gives me my change. She then hands me a cup of coffee and I make my way towards the seats. Louis and Eleanor. Jesus. I turn myself around and walk to the doors.


I sigh and turn around again and walk towards their table.

"Hey Kaite. You go to café's?"

"Now I dont."

"Well take a seat."

"Its ok. I dont wanna interupt."

"Its fine. Louis is just leaving."

"I am?," he cuts in.

"You are."

He rolls his eyes and left as I took a seat.

"El. You didnt have to do that."

"Who cares. Shouldnt you be in uni right now?"

"Theres a lot of things I should be at right now."

"Anyways, me and the girls and the guys didnt know if you were planning anything for him but we sort of planned a party."

"For who?"

"Harry. Its his birthday. Today!"

Shit. How did I not know that?

"You forgot Harrys birthday?"

"My head can only hold bits of stuff."

"What do you have planned?"

"Nothing really. We're not on good terms."

"Its his birthday! Make up!"

"Im good. Just go with the party."

"Are you gonna come?"

I take a while to think about it.

"Im busy."

"You are not busy. Just come. Please."

"I'll think about it."

"He was glum at the concert yesterday."

"Well I was sleeping in a grungy motel room ok?"


"Just... Count me out."

Harry's POV

"Happy Birthday Hazza!"

I was awakened with the lads on top of me slapping my face. Louis had a bucket of water too but I got up immediately when that was in sight.

"Youre turning 21. Youre an adulty thing."

"Louis. Youre older than me."

"I dont care. We have the whole day set."

Truly Madly Deeply in Love // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now