Chapter 19

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He hung up the phone before I could say something else.

"Niall. Mullington Hospital. Now."

"Sure. Why?"

I looked down not wanting to answer.

"Dont ask someone why theyre going to a hospital. Thats stupid."


At times like these, Harry is amazing. As we got their, Niall didnt even park yet and I was out the door. I ran inside the hospital and Harry was following me of course. I saw two ladies at the desk so I went to them.

"Hi. Im looking for Mrs. Sachem."

"Shes in room 313."

"Thank you."

Me and Harry looked through halls and halls. Why are hospitals so huge? I finally found the room when I saw Jake sitting outside with his head in his hands.

"Hey Jake. Are you ok?"


He looked upset. Really upset. I never saw him like this. Being my softy me, I gave him a hug when the doctor came out. Jake literally flew up.

"How is she."

"Im terribly sorry, weve done everything we could--"


I never knew he was this forceful.

"Im afriad shes gone."

No. No. No. This cant be not right now. When I needed her most. I looked at Jake and he looked different. He stormed out of there.

"Would you like to see her?"


I cant look at her. It would hurt. My mom is dead. This cant be. How? She was so strong.

"Im going to go home."

"Ok. I'll ask Niall--"

"No. Im walking."

"Oh. Ok. Do you want me to come?"


All I needed right now was comfort. We walked out of the hospital and started walking home. I cant cry. It would make me more sad.

"Im going to miss your mom. Shes like the best mom ever."

"She is. I love her. She was my best friend. I can tell her everything and she would understand. We would never argue no matter how mad we were at each other. She was more than a mom to me. Now, shes gone."

"Hey. Babe. Look at me. I know she meant a lot to you but Im right here and I always will be even if we break up."

I smiled a little. Harry was the best.

"Thanks Harry. I love you so much."

Did that come out of my mouth? Uh oh. I said it. Those words werent suppose to come out.

"I love you too."

He gives me a kiss and the rest of the walk was quiet but I loved the feeling of his hand holding mine.

"We're here. Do you want me to stay the night?"

"No. I should calm Jake down."

"Ok but call me if you need anything and I mean it. If you need a ride. A place to stay. A phone. A hug. A kiss. A--"

"I get it."

"Its only because I love you."

"And I lo-lo-love you you."

Truly Madly Deeply in Love // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now