Chapter 17

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I turn around wishing it was Jason but it was Harry.

"Youre suppose to be on stage."

"Why are you leaving?"

"It feels awkward to be in there with you and Jason."

"Whos Jason?"

"The girl that jumped on you. Thats his brother. I met him a long time ago."

"Dont leave me."


"Its already hard enough for me to sing but now youre leaving me?"

"I'll be out here, you just perform. I promise I wont leave."

He stares at me and then he goes back inside. I dont know what Im gonna do out here. I might as well call Chloe or Savannah to hang with. I gave Chloe a call.

"Yello? Nandos residence. Oops sorry. This is my phone. Hello?"

"Hey Chloe."

"Oh. Hey Kaite. Please tell me youre not doing anything."

"You want me to work?"

"Yes. Please."

"Ok. I'll be there im a few."

"Thank you. Youre a life saver."

I hang up the phone and sent Jason a text telling him Im working. The walk from here to Nandos isnt really far but Im so not wearing these heels. Barefoot it is. When I reached Nandos, there was barely anyone in there.

"Chloe. There's no one here. Why'd you call me?"

"Im bored. I need a talking buddy."

"In that case, I will stay."

"What were you doing? Youre all glammed up."

"I was at a concert and I got bored."

"Im glad you came. Since there's the concert going on, we dont have any customers."

"Lets just watch tv and throw chicken at it."

"Sounds like a plan."

There was a massive tv in Nandos so we took advantage of it. We layed in a booth closest to the tv and got a bucket of chicken. For eating and throwing.

"This tv only come with ads. Boring. Im gonna use the potty."

"TMI Chloe. TMI."

She laughs and walks to the bathroom. I was left in the store laying there. The bell on the door rang. Oh yay. A customer. I got up and saw the guys?

"Youre concert is done already?"

"No. Ed Sheeran is performing now so we get about half an hour break."

"Help yourself but you guys are paying."

They went behind the counter and grabbed a whole bunch of chicken leaving Harry and me.

"I thought you promised you werent gonna leave."

"I wasnt going to stand outside for three hours. Do you know how cold it is?"

"Were you gonna come back?"

"Of course. I dont break promises."

He grows a smile on his face and sits down. I grabbed my soda and phone on the table and sat down next to him. He puts his arms around my waist and I barely noticed.

"You look beautiful in that dress."


Hold it in Kaite. Youre mad at him. No matter how sweet he is, youre mad at him. Chloe comes out of the bathroom and sits down next to Niall. Whats up with them? I turned my phone on. Harry smiled.


"After all thats happened, Im still your wallpaper."

"Youre annoying but youre still my boyfriend and stop spying on me."

I leaned my head onto his shoulder and he rubbed my back. He hasnt done that since he left for tour. It was the best feeling in the world. Snap out of it. Youre mad...oh forget. I cant be mad at him.

"Before I say what I have to say, have you told me everything?"

He looks down at me, "Yes."

"You said yes before I found out about you and Delilah kissing. Is there anything else you havent told me? I mean it."

"Theres absolutely nothing else."

"Then, I forgive you for not telling me. Im not 100% I could trust you like I used to but I do trust you."

Truly Madly Deeply in Love // Harry Stylesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن