Chapter 43

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I was woken up by the sun. What happened? Oh yeah. Harry stayed and we talked all day until we both fell asleep. I remember him giving me a kiss goodnight. I look around the room and he wasnt there. What a shame.

"Good Morning Kaitlyn."

"Call me Kaite."

"Sorry. Ok. Today is where we will be giving you the shots. Are you ok with today?"

"Yeah. Im fine."

"Ok. We will takeyou to another room in about half an hour."


He grabbed a clipboard and headed out the door. Thats when Harry walked in.

"Goodmorning Kaite."


"Sorry I didnt stay the whole night."

"Its ok."

"But I'll be here tonight and tomorrow."

"Harry, Im fine."

"Are you hungry? I got food."

"Nah. Im ok. Im getting the shots today."

"All 8 of them?"


"Thats gonna be painful."

"Way to help."

"Sorry but I'll be standing right next to you."

I smile and look at the bump. Its still big and ugly.

"Theyre right."

"Who are?"

"The paparazzi."

"About what?"

"That I dont deserve you."


"You can have any other girl in the world but you chose me. A pathetic little girl who is in a hospital because of a bug. I started believing in myself but I lost hope. I see tons of girls on the streets who are way better looking than me. Even your fans hate me."

"Dont say those things about you. I dont care about your looks. I care about who you are. Do the girls on the streets know what type of kiss I need at times? Do they know what each and every teddy bear I own names? Do they know how to make me happy? No they dont. Only you do Kaite so dont doubt yourself. There are a lot of beautiful women..."

That upsetted me a little.

"But they all follow one beautiful girl who I married. I married her for a reason. Shes adoring. Admirable. Smoking hot. Smart. Way smart. Talented. Funny. And shes also my best friend even since elemantary school. My fans mean a lot to me but youre my number one priority."

Right when I was about to lose it, he pulls me right back in.

"I love you with all my heart Kaite."

He comes closer to me and gives me a kiss.

"Now eat because I dont want you starving yourself."

He hands me a bag and I set it on the table.

"Im the luckiest guy in the world."

"And why is that?"

"I have a wonderful family. Good health. I have the best brothers ever. Im in a band that is #1 but that doesnt really matter to me. Also, I have the most prettiest, clumsiest wife ever and I love her just the way she is."

"I love you Harry."

"I love you too, Kaitlyn."

I rolled my eyes and the doctor came in.

Truly Madly Deeply in Love // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now