Chapter 9

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Harry paid for my college fee? Im gonna kill him.

"Oh yeah. Sis?"


"Happy Early Birthday."

Oh my god. I totally forgot Im turning 19 tomorrow. I had too much going on.

"Thanks Jake."

"Please tell me you didnt forget. Mom and dad are planning a party, remember?"

"I know. I know. My life is in a tough situation right now."

"Yeah. Boys. I get it but youre not going to work tomorrow. Got it?"

"Got it."

I went to my room. How could I forget about my birthday? What am I gonna wear? Ugh. I'll go shopping tomorrow. I soon drifted to sleep.

Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep

Stupid alarm clocks. It was 8 AM. Not bad. I literally crawled downstairs. I was so tired.

"Morning lazy butt."

"Morning Jake."

"Mom and dad left really early so they could be home for your birthday. They made you breakfast. Its in the microwave."

"Im not hungry. Im actually gonna head to the mall. Wanna come?"

"Ew. Shopping with my sister? Pass."

"Well. Im glad youre nice to me on my birthday."

"Just be back home before 6."

"Yeah yeah."

I got dressed and headed towards the mall. Where shall I go first? Hollister? Forever 21? Mandees? Why are there so many? As I was walking around, someone picked me up from the back and spun me around causing me to drop my phone. As I turned around, it was the guys and Louis was the one who lifted me up.

"Happy Birthday!"

"Louis! You owe me a new phone."

I picked up my phone and it was completely shattered. Damn it. RIP my iPhone 4. I'll always love you.

"Oh. Sorry about that love. Why are you shopping alone?"

"Cause I dont want something like my phone breaking if I called you guys."

"Fine. We'll leave you alone but we'll be back at your party with presents."

"Bye Louis."

Everyone but Harry followed Louis into Hollister. Harry stood there silently.

"Do you want to follow my phone murderer?"

He laughed. "Give me."

"Why? So you can break it some more?"

"No. I would never do that. Just give me it and I'll give it back to you tonight."

I still do trust him so I gave it to him and he walked away. He kidnapped my phone. As soon as I finished at the mall, it was 5. Wow. I quickly hurried home and got ready. Jake and my parents were downstairs preparing everything.

"Katie! The guests are in the backyard! Are you done?"

My mom has a loud mouth for a sophisticated woman. "Yeah!"

I headed downstairs and saw my mom and dad, even Jake staring at me.

"What?" It was weird.

"You look beautiful honey."

"Thanks daddy."

I gave him a hug then went to the backyard. I saw everyone and I mean everyone. My best friends, cousins, the guys.

"Happy Birthday Katie Satie."

"Thanks Savannah. Hows my makeup?"

She looks at my face for a while. "Drop dead gorgeous."

I laugh of course. Shes my best friend. I dont know what I would do without her. I headed towards my cousins and the other family. They told me how great I looked and the usual birthday stuff. The came the guys.

"You look fabulous."

"Thanks Louis. You look, ok."

"Im not gonna argue since its your birthday."

"I know but you will tomorrow."

"Probably." We both started laughing. Me and the other guys talked. All the people at the party looked like they were having fun so I went to my room's window blacony. I was lying in a chair gazing at the stars. It was beautiful. They were all over the place. I tried finding the North Star but I didnt know which one is was.

"What are you doing here?"

I turned around seeing Harry as he made his way to the chair next to me and layed down.

"I was bored."

"At your party?"

"Yeah. Im the lazy person not the party person."

"I know. Here."

He handed me a phone. It was pink. A pink iPhone? Cute

"A phone?"

"Your phone."

"This is my phone? How is it pink?"

"I payed a guy to get it fixed and payed extra to make it your favorite color."

I was about to jump on top of him but I couldnt.

"Whats wrong Katie?"

"You have to stop."

"Stop what?"

"Cleaning the bathroom. Fixing my phone. Paying for college."

"You found out."

"Harry, I can never pay you back."

"Who says you have to? I love you and I chose to do this."

There goes that L word again. Its really weird when a boyfriend says it to me.

"Did you do all this because of Delilah?"

"What? No. Hell no. I know youre mad at me about her but I did all this out of love. No lie."

Before I could say something, Savannah came onto the balcony.

"There you are. We're playing Truth or Dare. Come on. Hi Harry."

We both followed her downstairs and saw a lot of people sitting in a circle. There was 3 spaces for Harry, Savannah and I. I sat between them. Louis went first and of course, he picks on me.

"Truth or Dare?"

"Truth." I didnt want to do dares until I figure things out with Harry.

"Errr. Who do you trust with your entire life?"

Truly Madly Deeply in Love // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now