Chapter 16

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I hung up without letting him say another word. It was really hard for me to talk to him. Now I have to see him and the other guys perform. Maybe I should cancel. I cant though. I would let down Jason and I dont want that happening. No matter how long we were seperated, he was always in my heart. He was my first best friend. Why am I even talking about this? I should be getting ready. I headed upstairs and got changed. Since it was a concert, I decided to wear one of those cute dresses Perrie buys for me that I dont really wear. Im the more sweats and t-shirts kind of girl but maybe it was time for change. As I reached downstairs, Jake was there and Austin wasnt. I dont want him seeing me in a dress or who knows what he will do.

"Why so fancy?"

"Im going to a concert."

"It's a concert. Not a frat party."

"Is it that ugly?"

"Its fine. Ive just never seen you wear a dress before."

"Me niether."

We both laugh until there was a knock on the door. Jake opened it and it was Jason. I could here them all the way from the kitchen where I was grabbing a waterbottle.



"How's it been?"

"Its been alright. Who are you?" I think he was referring to Macy. That was when I walked out.

"That is Jasons' little sister, Macy. Dont be mean to them."


Jason was staring at me like I just won the Olympics or something. It was weird.

"Do I look that bad?"

"No. Its not that. Its just...its been a while since you wore a dress."

"Theyre not my thing but for ocassions I where them."

Macy was getting impatient as she was standing there all lonely. At times like this, I wish I had a baby brother. Even though I have Jake.

""Ok then. Lets get going shall we?"

" will be home soon and dinner's in the fridge."

"Katie. Im 16. I can take care of my own."

"Sure. Last time you said that, I came home to a dumpster."

He squinted at me and I give him a smirk. I finally beat him in something. I followed Jason out and into his car. I sat next to him and Macy was in the back.

"Theres nothing awkward with him?"

"With who?"


"I dont want to see him but I do want to hang out with you. Plus Macy with have a One Direction buddy."

"Thanks for being here."

"Jase. I would do anything for you. Remember that time I jumped into that freezing lake for you because you were scared?"

"That dare was mean. Thats like the most freezing lake ever."

"I know. I still have the chills."

"Thank you again."

"No problem."

By the time we finished talking, we were there. I could here Macy screaming already. We headed in and found our seats. They were front row. Great. Now Harry will definitely see me. Just what I needed. The girls were screaming like crazy and it was only 10 minutes until the show starts. I remember Louis gave me the backstage pass even though I said. I might as well wish them luck.

"I'll be right back."


I took out the pass and showed the security guards. They scanned it for a while and then they showed me a room where the guys were. Louis was the first person I saw.

"Kaite! You actually came."

"Yeah. I just came to say good luck tonight."

"Thanks. So how loud are they out there?"

"Im suprised you dont here them in here."

"Well thats what you call crazy mofos."

We both started laughing. I scanned the room but Harry wasnt there.

"Wheres Harry?"

"Oh yeah. We have no idea."

"What? You lost Harry?"

"He said he'd say he'll be right back and now Paul and the other guys are looking for him. Simon's here too so we have to find him."

"So he's somewhere in the arena?"


I knew just the place where he was.

"Good luck."

I ran out of there like a bullet. Harry always had a secret place in arenas. I remembered the first time he was in the place because he had butterflies. That one place would be the attic on the arena. There was a balcony and the view is beautiful. I climbed up ladders and ladders til I saw him standing there. His back was turned so he was looking at the city.


"How'd you know?"

"I only told you about this place."

"You know you have a concert to attend right? And Simon Cowell is here."

"Why would you care? Apparently Im not in your life."

"Harry. I didnt mean it. I was just upset with you."

"Well it hurt. A lot."

"Can we talk about this later? Concert Harry. Right now."

"Youre more important than some stupid concert."

"Theres thousands of girls who paid $100. Im front row anyways so its not like you wont see me."


I make him go down first so he doesnt bail. As he gets on stage, I make my way back to Jason/

"That took a long time."

"Yeah. People difficulties."

"Did you mean technical difficulties?"

"Sure. Why not?"

All of the sudden, the arena turns back. Music starts playing. It was my favorite song which is their new song anyways.

Maybe its the way she walked

Straight into my heart and stole it

Through the doors and passed the guards

Just like she already owned it

He finally finds me and smiles until he sees Jason standing next to me. His smile immediately goes away and he walks the other way. I was feeling uncomfortable now. I would ask Jason to take me home but I dont want to ruin the moment for Macy. I know this means a lot to her. I just try to make my way to the exit. As I was outside, I felt a tug on my arm.

Truly Madly Deeply in Love // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now