Chapter 48

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Kaite's POV

Now Harry was the one not talking. I shouldnt of told him but we dont lie to each other. I only had feelings for Jason during Christmas time when I was pissed at Harry. He was a great friend and he kept me company. He was really fun to hang around. We reached the bottom and Harry walked straight out. I walked out as well but I didnt follow him. Why bother? I didnt know where he went to so I went back to our house. I walked in seeing Haite and Ted.

"Hey Ted."

I walked passed him.

"Wow. Wow. Wow. Whats wrong?"

"Nothing. Dont worry about it."

"Im going to find out one way or another."

"Is Harry here?"

"No. What happened?"

"He asked me if I ever had feelings for Jason."

"And you said..."



"It was for a short period of time. Now I have to go to college with him tomorrow."

"Harry must be mad."

"I dont know."

"Do you want some food?"

"No thanks. Im gonna get some rest."


I walk upstairs to the other living room. Im scared Ted is a liar and Harry is in our room. At least our couches are huge for someone to sleep on. This living room has beanbag chairs and desks and bookshelves. It was awesome. Haite circled around her doggy bed and finally layed down. I just layed on the couch. My nook was on the table for some reason so I took it amd began reading. At least this was entertaining. Zzzz Zzzz.

My eyelids went up and then down. Then up again. My nook was on top of me. I turned it on and I was on page 142 of Harry Potter. I get my phone and its 8:03. Shit. Class started in 27 minutes. I ran to our room and thats where Harry was. I knew he was here. My backpack was right next to where he was sleeping so I tried to be as quiet as I could. I grabbed the backpack and then a hand was on my arm.


"Morning Harry."

"Where are you going?"



He lets go and rolls to his side. I put my nook and books into the bag and get dressed. I put some light makeup on and put on a sweater and jeans. I give Harry a kiss on the cheek and then leave. I didnt know what he was thinking of but I was going to be late. When I get into the car, its 8:21. Damn. I drive as fast as I can to Stanford and when I get there, its 8:28. Whoo. Close one. I take a seat in the class and Jason makes his way next to me. Heres where the drama starts.

"I thought you werent coming."

I ignored him. The perfect timing when the professor comes in.

"Alright. Good morning. I hope you enjoyed your weekend but now its back to work. Pair up with your partner and start on the worksheet under your desk."

Me and Jasons desk was already touching. He took out my worksheet for me and took his as well.

"Ok. Number one."

He stayed quiet so I guess he was reading it. How could he be so awful yet so sweet at the same time? Oh well. Start working Kaite. This worksheet is easy. When I finished, I looked at Jason and he was stuck on a question.

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