Chapter 36

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"Harry Styles from the famous boyband was accused of breaking Jason Robertson's jaw at Stanford Univeristy early this afternoon. Is he allmpopstar? Or does he have another side to him?"

What the fuck? Why on earth would they do this to Harry?

"Ok this is so not true."

"Harry. You punched someone?"

If only Eleanor knew what happened.

"Yes but not for the reason you think. He was all over Kaite."

"Awe. Fighting for your girl. Thats so sweet."

"Not really if Im on the news."

I walked closer to him andsat on the couch. I could tell he was frustrated. And a little hurt. I put my hand on top of his as he squeezes it.

"Ok. If you two are gonna go mushy, get a room."

I laugh and then let go of Harry.

"I should probably get to Stanford."

"I'll drive."

"Like you have a choice. Bye El."

"Bye girl. Bye Harry."

We headed out the door and into his car. I really have to get my car and stop getting people to drive me.

"So... Are you mad at me?"

"No. Why would I be mad?" I felt like I asked this question before.

"I punched your best friend and its on the news."

"I already forgave you for that. Plus, youre my best friend."

"I thought I was your boyfriend."

"You are. And my best friend. And my soon to be husband."

"I love hearing you say that."

He gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"So when is our wedding?"

"I dont know. But whenever it is, it has to be a weekend."

"Of course. Why dont we make it next week?"

My eyes widen.

"NEXT WEEK?! Youre giving me one week to figure everything out?"

"Dont worry. I'll hire some people and they will help."

"But I have to find a dress, and we have to pick out the cake, and we have to pick out a place.."

He shut me up with a kiss. That calmed me down.

"So we're really doing this?"

"Yeah. I guess we are."

"I cant believe it. Im marrying you."

"And Im marrying you."

He pulled over to the front of Stanford.

"I'll see ya."

"I love you."

"I love you too Harry."

With that, I walk into the building. My head was going cuckoo. There's so much for a wedding! What am I gonna wear? Whos gonna be the flower girl? Ah! This is too much! When I walked into the dorm, Jason was there.

"Hey Jase. How ya feelin'?"

"Fine. How are you?"

"Great.... Just great."

I take the clothes out of my bag and put them into my closet.

"So how are you and Harry?"


"Are you having a wedding?"

"Yeah. Its next week actually."

"Thats so soon."

"I know."

"But it wont be hard with all his money."


"He told you he would hire people to help out the wedding right?"


"Shouldnt you two design the wedding. I mean, its yours and every girl has been dying about this."

"Yeah. I guess youre right."

I stop adjusting my clothes and sit down on my bed. He is right. I cant think about this. Not now. Not when Im in college.

Truly Madly Deeply in Love // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now