Chapter 56

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When Harry finally finishes his stupid hair, we drive to nonna's shop. It was called Dolci which is sweets. I dont get that. Its supposed to be a café not a candy store.

"Ok. Kaite, Harry, you two will be working in the back making pretzels. Can you guys handle that?"


"Ok. Me and nonna will be here if you need us."

She left us with a big bag of dough. I put on my apron and washed my hands.

"Since when did you know how to make pretzels?"

"My mom taught me when I was 8. We would do that everyday until she... You know."

I opened the bag and began rolling the dough.

"Sorry for bringing it up."

"Its ok."

I twisted it and put it onto a tray and got started on my second one while Harry is still washing his hands. When the faucet turned off, I felt arms hugging me from behind.

"Harry. Im gonna get dough all over you if you dont let go."

"Im sorry. I just missed doing that."

"Me too."

He lets go and joins me in rolling. After a while, we made about two dozen of these. They came out pretty good.

"Dang guys... You two know your pretzels."

Mia takes the rack of pretzels and pushes it into another room.

"So what else is there to do?" Harry asked.

"We will switch. You two can be out there being the cashiers."

"That shouldnt be hard."

"Trust me. It is."

We all laugh and me and Harry hang our aprons on the hook. I let my hair down so the flour comes out. This place is pretty packed. Everyone is having a cup of tea and reading books. Thats lovely I guess.

"So we just sit here and take orders?"

"Yeah... Its still early. Just wait til more people wake up."

I walk to the cash register to see how it works. This is way too easy since I mastered Algebra in high school. Plus Im taking calculus. Told you that would come in handy.

"Posso avere un caffè medio e un pretzel?"

Truly Madly Deeply in Love // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now