Chapter 41

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"Grandpa, can we do this somewhere else?"

"No. I didnt drive all the way here to talk somewhere else. This guy sint even handsome."


"Kaitlyn, what have you done. Arent you still a teenager?"

"First, dont call me Kaitlyn. Second, I dont care if Im young. Its my life."

"What happened to you Kaitlyn?"

"She said dont call her that," Harry said.

"Mind your buisness pretty boy."

"No I will not. I have a right to stand up for her."

"No you dont. Im her grandpa and she is divorcing with you."

"What? You cant make that decision. We are in love and no one comes between us."

"Shes a teenager. How old are you? 30?"

"Excuse me? Im only 20 and Kaite is turning 20 next year so she is not a teenager."

"Dont call her Kaite. Its childish."

"Thats her name so deal with it."

"And what might be your name egghead?"

"Why should I tell you baldy?"

I turned around and walked out the backyard. They were still at the door arguing and drawing a crowd. I hated my grandpa so much. Way to ruin the day after the wedding. I decided to walk home and pay Jake a visit.

"Anybody home?"

I walked in a little further.


Jake popped out of nowhere.

"Dont scare me like that."

"Why arent you at Harrys?"

"Grandpa is here and hes not happy."

"Oh... So are they both fighting?"

"Yep. I just walked here. Is dad at the doctors?"

"No. Hes upstairs sleeping."

"Are you okay? You seem down."

"Im fine. Im just tired."

"Go get some sleep. I'll be fine down here."

"Ok. Love ya sis."

"Right back at ya."

He ran upstairs leaving me laying on the couch. This new couch isnt as good as my old one but this is ok. How could my grandpa come here and barge into Harrys house? That is rudeness right there. The doorknob was turning and Harry walked in.

"Hey Kaite."

"Im so sorry about him."

"Its fine. He yelled his guts out and then left."

"What did he yell about?"

"If I break your heart, I will be seriously dead."

"Oh. Hes some grandpa."

"You know I will never break your heart."

"I know Harry but not him."

He lifts me up and lays on the couch and then puts me on top of him.

"Doesnt matter who knows. As long as we both know, thats all that matters."

"And he must be blind."


"Youre the best looking guy Ive ever seen."

"Thank You. Youre not so bad yourself."

"Shut up. Im way better looking. Ask anyone."


"Have I ever told you I love you so much."

"Whats the catch?"

"Nothing. Ive never realized how much you have done for me. I love you so much."

"I only do it because I care. I dont do it for any other person."

I smile and then yawn. Im still hungover from the wedding. He laughs and then gets up. He goes into the chest and grabs a blanket and puts it over me.

"You sleep way too much."

"Well werd you dancing with 100 people yesterday?"

"Good point. Good night/ morning SleepingBeauty."

I rolled to my side and took a nap.

When I woke up, it was about 3... Why am I so tired all of sudden? And where is Harry? I walked downstairs and saw Harry and Robin in the living room.

"Come on! That was so a touch-down!"

"No it wasnt. How is 3 foot away from the line a touchdown?"

"Harry Harry Harry. You dont know anything."

"I think I know more than you."

"I feel bad for Kaite."


"She married an idiot."

Ok. That took a laugh out of me. I shouldnt of done that because Harry turned around.

"You woke up."

"Yeah. Im gonna be sleeping all day if I didnt."

"Are you hungry?"

"Sort of."

"Ok. Lets go to iHops."


I began to walk when Robin said something.

"Hey idiot, get me something too."

"No thanks."

He walked to me and we went out the door.

"Im not an idiot right?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Youre my idiot."

Truly Madly Deeply in Love // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now