Chapter 22

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"Thanks Harry. Youre not mad at me?"

"No. I know when youre sad. I know when youre lying. I know you Kaite."

"Can you tell me what I am now because I dont even know."

"Youre confused. Stop worrying about things."

He was right. I just hope Jake isnt in prison. Oh hey. Im worrying again.

"What do you want to do today?"


"C'mon. You dont mean that. I'll take you to the mall."

"You hate the mall."

"I hated hiking but who knows."

"Fine but Im not changing."

"Who says you have to? You look cute."

I gave him a smile and we headed out the door. His car was different. It smelled like perfume.

"So are you excited about college?"

"Yeah. I wouldnt even be going if you didnt pay for it."

"I told you I'd do anything for you."

"I know. Its just Stanford is my dream college."

"I know."

"And Im living on campus."

"I kno... Wait. What?"

"Im not driving 3 hours to get to Stanford."

"What am I gonna do for 2 years?"

"I have breaks and you have a tour."

"Thats next year."

"So find something to do for a month."

"How is this ok to you?"

"Well you just came back from tour. I got over how far you were and I lived life. I survived a year. So can you."

He didnt say anything after that. Luckily we were there already. I ran in using the bathroom. I forgot to go this morning. Before I was gonna go in, I saw Jason.

"Hey Kaite,"

"Oh. Hey Jason."

"Macy needs to use the bathroom and I cant take her and she doesnt want to--"

"I'll take her."

I grabbed her hand and lead her in one stall. I went to another stall right next to her. It was weird. When I finished, Macy was already washing her hand.

"How did you meet my brother?"


"Youre very pretty for a camper."

"Thank you. Youre very pretty yourself."

"You should date my brother."


"Youre all he ever talks about. Why not?"

"Hes just a friend. Plus I have a boyfriend."


"Harry Styles."

"Thats ashame. I know he really likes you."

We both walked out and back to Jason.

"Thank you."

"No problem."

"So how have you been?"

"It was rough but Im fine now."

"Ok. Are you here alone?"

"No. Im with Harry."

"Oh. Well Macy needs toys so we should go."


I gace Macy a hug and Jason one too for old time sakes. When I pulled out, I saw Harry staring at me.

"Bye Macy. Bye Jason."

We waved and then I went back to Harry.

"It takes too long for girls to pee."

"I was chating."

"I could tell."

"Jason is an old friend. Nothing else."

"Whatever. Lets go."

We walked past toms of stores. We barely talked. We didnt hold hands. We didnt make eye contact. It was weird. I saw Gilly Hicks and I walked in. Sweatpants time.

"Oh no you dont."

"What. You dont like Gilly Hicks?"

"No. Youre not buying anymore sweatpants."

"Why? Theyre my babies."

"You own more than the entire world."

"Fine. What do you want me to wear?"

He looked around the store and saw an aisle with jeans.


"I hate jeans. Are you trying to change me?"

"No. You already have to much sweats so get more jeans."


I grabbed 10 pairs of them and Harry was looking at the shirt. It was cute. It was a plain shirt and it said GH on it. I like it.

"I found a shirt."

I took it from his hand and layed it on my arm where the jeans are. I got some more hoodies and went to the cashier. I handed my credit card to him and he swiped it. When he gave it back, it looked different. It looked a lot like Harry's credit card. Wait a minute. It was.

"Harry. Is this yours?"

"Yeah. You wont let me pay so I switched it."

"And what did you buy with my card?"


"Gosh Harry Im gonna kill you."

Truly Madly Deeply in Love // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now