Chapter 25

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Say something Kaite. Hes waiting. Anne is waiting. Gemma is waiting. The whole entire world is waiting. What do I say? Say yes? Say no? What. My head cant think straight.


I couldnt say anything. I love him but marriage? Im only 19. Im not in college yet and now we get married? I cant.

"Sorry Harry but no."

I took off. I didnt want to see his reaction. I ran back home wearing these fucking heels. This is why I hate heels. Fuck. I need to throw all my heels in a fire. As I got home, Jake looked at me. Im not dealing with my brother right now. I ran to my room and closed it. Why am I so stupid? Harry loves me. He treats me right and I just rejected him from marriage. Oh my god. The newspapers is going to be viral about this. There was a knock on my door.

"Go away."

Being my stupid brother, he came in and sat down next to me.

"Are you ok?"

"No. My life is going too fast and its not how I want it."

"Not everybody gets what they want."

"I camt deal with this life anymore. Mom died. Dads not here. I turned down the most amazingest school and Harry asked me to marry him."

His eyes widen.

"What did you say?"

"What do you think? Im sitting in my room crying and yelling while I should be celebrating my frickin anniversery!"

"Calm down Kaite."

"No. This is not the way life is supposed to be. What did I do to god to make him hate me so much?!"

He continues looking at me the gets up and leave. Thank you.

Harry's POV

"Sorry Harry but no."

What? Before a flash of my eyes, she was gone. I thought she loved me. I was really sure she would say yes. I do everything for her. What did I do wrong?

"Sweetie, are you ok?"

"Yeah. I just dont know what went wrong. Im gonna go to her house."

"No. Honey. You had a long day. Lets go home and get some sleep."

I was going to reject but I do need some sleep. I was too busy handling our honeymoon which wont be happening. When I drove home, I stormed up to my room. Kaite. Kaite. Kaite. Did I make her mad? At the fashion show, shes happy. At the beach, shes sad. Did something happen?

"Heres some water."

"Thanks Gemma."

She places the water on my nightstand and sits next to me.

"Why do you love Kaite so much?"

"If I explain, we would be here until we die."

"What did you do?"

"Nothing. I think. No. I did nothing wrong."

"Girls are very fragile with this sort of stuff."

"Youre engaged."

"Yeah but Im older than you. Speaking of me being engaged, my wedding is on March 28."

"Thats next week."


"Youre giving me a week to make up with Kaite and be my date."

"Come alone."

"Shes been dying to go."

"Awe. Thats so sweet."

"Get out of my room."

She rolled her eyes and left. I locked the door and stared at my homescreen for the rest of the night until I fell asleep.

Kaite's POV

Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep

That is the most annoying sound EVER. What happened? My face is full of dried tears. Oh yeah. Im the worst girlfriend ever. I hope Harry is ok and doesnt dump me. I love him. I need him. But I dont want to talk to him. Well not yet anyways. I got out of bed and went downstairs. There was a baseball bat with a note attached to it.

Kaite, Im at lacrosse practice. I know right. I dont have to wear the stupid thing anymore. Anyways, I got the stupid baseball players autographs on this bat so stop crying and being stupid. Call me...or not. Who cares. -Jake

Oh my gosh. Yay. Look at this. Wow. Theres Derek Jeter. Im like dying right now. I love Jake so much. Im so happy. Yay. I grabbed the bat and put it in my room to keep it safe. It looks gorgeous. Beautiful. Wonderful. Im talking about a bat. Oh my gosh. Snap out of it. I got dressed and went to Starbucks. When I went to the cashier, I saw a familiar face.


"Hi Katie."

"You work here?"

"Yeah. My parents need more dough for the wedding."

"Oh. Can I get one Orange Spiced Iced Coffee?"

"Of course. Oh Kaite?"


"The wedding's next week."


Shes giving me a week to make up with Harry? This should be good. She gave me my coffee and I turned around and walked. Im so clumsy I bumped into someone.

"Sorry," we both said at the same time. It was Harry. Can this day get any worse?

"Sorry," I said again. I tried walking away but he grabbed my wrist.

"Kaite. Talk."

He lead me to a booth and sat down. I was still standing of course.

"Sit. Please."

Just cause Harry begged. As I sat down, something wet was on my pants.

"Ew. Ew. Ew."

I got up and there was cake on my pants and the seat.

"I'll go get napkins."

I tried wiping it off of me which was weird because Im wiping my butt. Harry returned with napkins and I used all of it. Harry switched places with me. Good. I dont need anymore cake pants. This day gets worse and worse.

"Why'd you say no?"

Truly Madly Deeply in Love // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now