Chapter 46

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I felt my phone vibrate when I entered my house after Lisa dropped me home from the Clinic.

I saw a message from an unknown number.

I quickly opened the message.

*I do want to know who Ashton is btw. ;) *

I quickly understood who this was.

A smile appeared on my face.

I went upstairs to my bedroom before replying.

I wasn't as if I didn't want to reply but I am a girl, Isn't it my right to keep the guy waiting for sometime?

I felt another vibration, while I was changing my clothes.

I quickly changed into my pajamas and sat on my bed cross legged and saw the message that just arrived.

*Are you there? Did you reach home?*


I quickly pressed reply and typed a reply.

*Why? You said it didn't matter. You changed your mind? :O
Or are you jealous of Ashton already? ;) :P
PS : How did you get my number?*

I saved his contact number undwr the name 'Evan' and then put a heart behind his name.
I am not exactly a chessy kind of person but I just felt like doing it right now.

I recieved another message.

*Nothing can change my mind about you. :)
I never get jealous, I am awesome. B)
I called you when Ben met with that accident, remember?* - Evan♡

Ohhh ya, I remember.
I remember how we fought in the hospital and that drive. And that peppers and pizza incident.

So much has changed since then..
The thought brought a smile on my face. AGAIN.

I checked my phone.

I saw that there was another message from Evan.
I realised I forgot to reply.

I quickly opened the message.

*Are you slow typer? :O
Or Are you dreaming about me already? ;)
Reply a little fast maybe? :(
I hate to wait.* - Evan♡

I chuckled at this message. This guy has zero patience level.

*I am not a slow typer!*- Me

*Meaning you were dreaming about me. ;)* -Evan♡

*I have better things to dream about!*- Me

*Don't deny it.
What can be better than me?* -Evan♡

* I have definitely seen better than you.. B) * - Me

*Really? who?
I doubt there is anyone else better than to dream about. B)
PS : You are not talking about Ashton, are you? :O * - Evan♡

Woah.. Evan is surely jealous of Ashton.
He really thinks Ashton could be better than him?
How stupid!

I took it as an opportunity and the evil bitch inside me woke up.

*Dreaming about you?
Huh, I have better things to do in life. B)
PS: Ashtoh? Maybe, maybe not. ;)* -Me

I smiled proudly at my reply and waited for his reply to it.

My phone vibrated almost immediately.

*Better things huh?
Alright, stay with those better things then.. I'll leave you to them..
I won't disturb your "better things" :/ * -Evan♡

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