The Beggining of The End

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"Well, see you all never." I grumble and we all begin to separate once again. Finally our morning hours with them are over and o won't have to see them until tomorrow. I can't help but smile and stretch. For this week all we do is get together then separate which I am totally okay with.

"Hold up!" Ms. Tina shouts and we all turn around. "Well.... Kenny and I were thinking and decided we shouldn't separate after we have activities."

"Hold up, what does that mean?" Violet asks waving her hand.

"After our group activities we are going to continue to hang out so we get closer together." Kenny says smiling and Dean shouts out and we all follow.

"Dude! Is this another thing for that stupid Award?!" He yells and Daisy cuts in.

"I have friends to get too! I have an Academic Club!" Daisy shouts and Dean snorts.

"Nerd alert." He whispers and Adam laughs slightly and Violet guys them as she hurries forward.

"Kenny! I have sports to get too! I can't just sit around with them!" She yells and I cut in.

"I'm already having a horrible time and you want to make it worse by making me stay with them!" I yell flicking my hand towards the group of boys. "Not happening!"

"ENOUGH!" Kenny shouts and he silences our arguing. "Listen here. You are going to hang out afterwards wether you like it or not!" He shouts glaring and we stare. "And it's because you are all horrible to each other. So guess what, it's time for some change and it's starting now!"

His loud voice leaves no room for argument and we all sit on the grass grumbling. I look around and sigh slightly.

"Well, I guess you are coming to the band rehearsal." Dean mumbles and I turn around.

"What?!" I yell and glare. "I don't want to go to one of you stupid rehearsals." I yell and he glares.

"Well. I'm not going to the courts and we have a show." He barks and I glare.

"It's stupid." I bark and he steps forward.

"No, you're stupid!" He yells and we bicker back and forth.

"This is why we need time together!" Kenny says trowing his arms between us and pushing us away. "Now, let go! Since the boys do have a show how about you skip rehearsal considering you do it all the time and we do something the girls want to do."

"Courts!" Violet shouts and Daisy frowns.

"Please no courts." Daisy grumbles and the other two girls pipe in there protests.

"Are you kidding me.... They can't even decide where to go..." Dean whispers and we all turn to him. "Shit..."

"What was that?" We all growls and Kenny sighs. Ms. Tina pats his back softly and we all begin arguing.

"Why don't we all go to the skate park?" Ms. Tina shouts and we all look to her. "I'm assuming you boys know how to skate and I'm sure the girls would love to learn."

"Yes!" The girls sudden squeal and o stare.

"No." I grumble and the boys nod slightly.

"That should be fun..." Dean whispers and the others nod in agreement.

"Alright. Skate park it is!!" Kenny claps and we all nod.


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