Chapter 31: The Charity Concert

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"Thanks so much to everyone who was able to make it here tonight," said Peyton as she stood next to Luke and Dani on the rooftop stage. Adonis was packed with fans—on the roof, inside, down on the street watching from wherever they could if they couldn't get in.

"We are so excited for this event," continued Dani. "We have a dozen or so amazing artists playing for you tonight—everything from pop, to country."

"To R&B and rock," Luke added.

"But the most exciting part," said Peyton, "is that this event today is in benefit of the YOUTH Foundation, a charity focused on helping homeless teens find shelter, food, jobs, education..."

"The YOUTH Foundation's mission is to help young people of the lgbt community," Luke said, struggling to keep a straight face in this very serious conversation. "That is why I would like to introduce someone who has been going through the hardships of being gay in a society that isn't progressive enough to be completely welcoming yet. Someone who in the last year has felt what it is to be pushed out, rejected and judged by complete strangers because of who he is, but has decided to embrace himself and not sweat those haters. If you would please join me in giving a warm welcome to our first performer, Travis Hilton!"

Everyone started clapping and they could hear the clapping downstairs and out on the streets, too. Travis ran up on stage, with Luke and Dani staying put while Peyton made her way down to deal with all of the programming details and keep things running smooth.

"Thanks everyone," Travis said when he got a hold of a microphone. "And thank you to Peace Through Music for having me," he added to Dani and Luke. "Before I sing, I just want to say that it means the world to me and to my entire community that so many people came out here to give us support in putting on this little concert. I know for a fact that Dani and Luke have experienced exactly what this charity aims to stop, so I'd like to give them a few seconds to briefly talk about that."

Surprised, Luke smiled at his boyfriend and said, "Dani?"

"I left home when I was very young," Dani told the audience. "I was caught with a girl and my parents just... They couldn't handle it. They said they hadn't raised me that way. But I had my love of music—and my love of women—which I took with me to New York. And I accepted who I was and haven't been happier since."

She looked at Luke, who said, "I was kicked out when I was a teenager. Because I liked both women and men. And my parents didn't get it. Bisexuality was seen as a phase and people thought that I was either gay and somewhat in denial, or straight and wanted attention. My parents were blinded by that, by what society thought about me, that it didn't matter if they loved me or not. They were terrified and they thought if I left, there'd be nobody there for me and I'd have to come back and change. But I couldn't change who I was, so I went on and I met a lot of people who were more open-minded and receptive, and I found a place, without them or anyone else who doubted me."

Travis smiled at them and said, "There are millions of other stories just like these, all unique and special in their own way. These stories have inspired all of us to speak out about our own experiences and start fighting back against the abuse and the prejudice. The fight isn't over. We'll talk more about this and what we can all do to change the world but for now, let's get some music going." The crowd cheered and Luke and Dani started making their way off the stage. "This is my brand new single, 'Youth' and I hope it provides all of you with a little bit of inspiration."

As he started his performance, Santana watched from a closed off section in the back right corner of the rooftop, where some of the other artists were hanging out and having fun. "So who came up with the speech they gave?" she asked Peyton, who was collecting a pile of set lists from the table she was sitting at.

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