Chapter 70: New Chapter

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Hi peoples! As I mentioned in the message I sent out to everyone earlier, this will be the final chapter. I have so much going on in my life right now that unfortunately it's just not realistic for me to keep writing this story even though it's brought me so much joy over the years. It was a very hard decision to come to but it had to be made and now it's time to present you with something to really end well. That said here is the final chapter and conclusion to this series! Enjoy

"Sweetie, don't play with the flowers!" Julie called out, frowning as Izzy completely ripped a group of tulips out of the bed of flowers surrounding the fence. "Ugh..." she sighed, letting her go. She was sitting out in the front yard with Gaby in her lap drinking her milk while she watched Izzy play.

As she did, she saw Bree's car approach, waving while her friend parked in her driveway. "Hey precious!" Bree exclaimed when she spotted Izzy playing in the flowers. She opened the fence gate and carefully closed it again before approaching Julie and asking, "How's she doing?"

"Gaby?" asked Julie, looking down at her daughter. "She's good. She's still dealing with a little bit of nausea but the fever hasn't returned and her diarrhea subsided and... She's good now. Time really did the trick."

Bree smiled and carefully joined her on the ground. "I wish I had been able to go to the hospital when you and Kitty were there, honestly, but Mia's been so colicky and I'm... I'm a whale right now so."

"Oh you're not a whale," Julie shook her head. "Bree, you're eight months pregnant. You're as big as you're expected to be."

"I just can't believe I'm going to have this baby in five weeks," Bree said, staring at Gaby. "I just had Mia in January and I'm going to have another baby the same year." She started to laugh, covering her face. "What was I thinking, going through with this? I didn't even get medically cleared to have another baby when I got pregnant. I couldn't even pee correctly yet. I'm an idiot."

Julie laughed, amused. "Are you choosing now to freak out about another baby?" she asked.

"It's just becoming more real," Bree said. "I don't know why I thought Mia would be bigger and more ready for another baby by now because she's totally not. She's nine, not even nine, months old. Eight months old with an eight month pregnant mom and she'll be about to turn ten months when the second little girl is born and... You know, I'm just worried that two babies at the same time, of a similar age, will be too much."

Julie gave her a look. "Bree, I had twins. You're preaching to the choir here. It is too much. But, you know, it's worth it. It really is worth it. And yeah, it would've been nice if Izzy was sleep-trained when Gaby wasn't and if when Gaby got sick this week Izzy was old enough to, like, stay at my parents' for the week without going crazy that she didn't have me or Sam around but it didn't happen that way. And it's stressful and sometimes when I'm changing them I'm just done getting one of them lying down and still and then the other goes running off and I chase after her and it's a cycle and... A two person job. Three person sometimes. But you have Stefan. And you have the rest of us. And Marley."

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