
614 11 2

8Years later

Aliyah POV

The love of my life was taken away from me 8 years ago . After I got out I went straight to college . I couldn't face her after this . Sonya and me are still best friends and she keeps me updated on Indie. She says that Indie is with some other person now . So I guess that's good . At least she's happy .

Right now I'm sitting at the table with Sonya and she's saying something but I wasn't listening . I started paying attention when she said Indies name.

Sonya:She's actually on her way .

Me:OMG why . I can't let her see me like this .

Sonya:Bitch you look fine . Here she comes act normal .

She walked into the restaurant and smiled . I quickly looked down trying not to make eye contact . I love her so fucking much and I can't believe she's here right now . Tears fell from my eyes as she sat down .



Indie:How have you been .

Me:Mkay I guess.

Indie:I missed you .

Me:I Missed you more . Everyday I thought of you .

Indie:I Love You .

Me:I-I Love You Too

Indie:Can I ...... Kiss you .

Me:I don't think your boyfriend would like that .

Indie:Oh know about him . Look I'm sorry that I moved on but I still love you

Me:Its okay and yes I know ...... I don't want you break off your relationship with your boyfriend for me . I want you to be happy

Indie:I am happy but I was also happy with you .

Me:I want you more than anything in the world . If I kill again I know that I'm not getting out ever again . So I just .... I don't know Indie.

Indie:So basically you don't want to be with me .

Me:Yes I do . You just don't understand if something happens to you again I'm might to something worse than kill a man .

Indie:It won't . I swear . I just missed you so much

She stood up an walked over to me . We hugged and she pecked my lips . A smile crept across my face . The first real smile I had in years . I missed her so much .

Indie:Where do you live.


Indie:I wanna have dinner tonight .

Me:Where .

Indie:How about we just go to my place and I'll cook .

Sonya:I want some

Me:Fuck off

Sonya:Mean ass .

Indie:So you wanna give me your number or no .

I gave her my phone and she gave me hers. I put my number in her phone under Forever Girl

Me:Call me mkay.

Indie:Okay Love You .

Me:Love You too .

She kissed my cheek and walked out the restaurant . My heart is overwhelmed with joy . Sonya looked at me smiling and I sat down .

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