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Two weeks later

Aliyah POV

Me:What can I get you

Woman:A sweet tea

Man:A sprite please

I nodded and went to fix there drinks . Yep I got the job . Ironically Carly works here also . I got the drinks and gave it to them .

Me:Are you ready to order

They ordered their food and I went to give it to the chef . I went to go take other orders and did the same . When I walked passed Carly she slapped my ass . I looked at her like she was crazy . Carly is thick for a white girl . Well she's black but she can pass for white .

When the food was ready I took it to them . After about a hour it was time for me to go home . I know Marisa is blowing up my phone so imma stop by there . I put up my apron and clocked out . I grabbed my stuff but As soon as I was about to walk out the door Carly stopped me . SOB .

Carly:What you doing later

Me:Ummm I don't know .

Carly:Wanna come over my house .

Me:Ahhhh Carly ....Carly Carly Carly Ummm maybe . I don't know yet . Just .......text me . I guess .I have to go  .

Carly:Okay I'll text you when I'm off .


I quickly walked out of the restaurant and to my white Jeep . Marisa called me .


Marisa:Where are you

Me:I'm on my way to your house

Marisa:Okay but where have you been all day

Me:Just working

Marisa:Oh T said get here because he wants to talk to you about something



I hung up my phone and continued driving . When I got there T was about to say something but I cut him off .

Me:Nigga I need a shower. I will talk to you when I get out . I smell like fucking burgers .

I walked up to Marisa's room and took a quick shower . I put on some shorts and a tank top. I walked back down to the living room then sat beside Marisa .

Me:Okay go ahead Mr.Allen .

T:Okay so I have this job tonight and I was thinking you could tag along you know . So you can learn a lil something about the game .

Me:You want me to come ..... For what . I'm not into drugs and such

T:You not gonna be doing no drugs . Just do some watching on how we do

Me:I mean I guess so ....

T:Good be here at 7

Me:Mkay .

Marisa:So how was your day

Me:Okay . What about you

Marisa:I just been missing you .

Me:Awwwww I missed you too!

Marisa:Oh really because you seemed like you was having a good ass time with some bitch named Carly today at work

Me:Excuse me ?

Marisa:She posted a picture of y'all on ya timeline .

Me:Oh that . Your upset about that . We took a picture I take pictures with everybody at work . I take pictures with the damn chef . That's how liked I am .

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