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Marisa POV

She sucked on my neck and tried to undo my pants .

Me:No Aliyah my moms right out there . Stop .

Aliyah:But I wanna taste

Me:No Aliyah . Stop it

I pushed her off me . As much as I want it I can't . My mom is out there . I got off the counter . She pouted and poked out her lips . I got on my tippy toes and sucked on her lip. She's so cute . She picked me up making me wrap my legs around her waist .

Me:Ugh no Aliyah .


She put me down then I walked out . I sat at another table since it's only 3 seats at a table .

Patricia:Child why you didn't tell me your momma was Annie . We go way back .

Me:I'm sorry I didn't know.

They talked for a whole and Aliyah came and sat with me . She had 4 cups of mystery drinks .


Me:Aliyah I don't know what you've put in this shit .


I took a cup and sipped it . OMG this is so good .

Me:What is it.?

Aliyah:Bananas and spinach

Me:Ewww . I hate spinach

Aliyah:You seemed to like it in the drink

Me:Yeah I guess .

Aliyah:Don't worry the next ones are all fruit .

I picked up another cup and sipped it . Ewww I made a stank fave at it .

Aliyah:*laughing*I guess you don't like it .

Me:Hell No

Patrica:Language .

Me:I'm sorry but that shit was nasty . What is it

Aliyah:Black berries, strawberries, cherries, red beets , and chocolate

Me:Eeww Papíí that's nasty .

Aliyah:*laughing*Okay last one

Me:Im scared .

I sipped the last drink slowly and let it sit in. Okay this one was good .

Me:Okay what's in that .

Aliyah:Bananas , and cherries

I nodded then kept sipping it . Someone started tapping on the window . It was the same girl from Ruby Tuesday and three other people . Oh and Sonya

Patricia:Marisa go let them in .

Aliyah:Man no

Patricia:I didn't ask you . Marisa open that door.

I got up quickly and let them in . Aliyah went to the back slamming the door .

Me:Hey Sonya

Sonya:Hey boo

Girl:Oh your that girl from Ruby Tuesdays

Me:Yeah and y'all are

Girl:I'm Lisa , that's Indie and John , and Vanessa

John:My name is Joshua .

Oh these are the bitches from Aliyah's story . These the two women that hurt her . And I guess this was the girl she was taking to . What is this gang up on Aliyah day.

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