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Aliyah POV

Weeks later

Court room

Marisa is sitting behind me telling me it's okay . No it's not okay . I can't go back to that place . I didn't kill that girl . I didn't fucking shoot her . Sonya , T , China and Indie are behind me also . I told them two days ago what really happened . The kids are with Mama Annie. My mom is up on the stand now .

Judge:And how long has she had this voice in her head .

Mom:Since she was 5 .

(I don't really know the names of this shit so we just gonna go by there names )

Ms.Candace(my lawyer):See if she didn't take her medicine she couldn't have possibly been in her right state of mind .

They went on and on . I wasn't paying attention I was focused on my family . What's gonna happen to them . My daughter needs me .

Man I don't wanna go back there . I hated that place .

Me:I hate it just as much as you do

I hope this woman convinced the judge that are innocent . Why don't you jut tell them China shot TK

Me:No that's not right . She has suffered enough .

But do you want to go to jail

Me:Of course I don't . But I don't want her to either .

Bro . Are you thinking about taking the blame for this .

Me:I mean nobody else is . They not gonna stop until they find someone . It's crazy man . Imma just tell them .

Judge:Ms . Boze who are you talking to .

Me:Huh? Oh Clarence .


Me Bitch

Me:Chill C . Judge is it cool if I come up on the stand .

Judge:Sure .

I got up outta my seat and walked over to the stand . I sat in the chair .

Me:Okay that night I met China who is TK's basically slave . I got to know her you know . Umm so I we was in the bathroom and she was about to take a shower . So she had got naked or whatever and I seen her back . It was terrible . Welts everywhere . She told me that TK did it . Now if you know me I'm against women abuse so I got upset . That same day we rampaged her house and tied her up . I shot her in the stomach . I told China to shot her because she had been abused so badly . China was against it so I did it for her . I emptied the clip until she was dead .

I lied my fucking ass off for this girl . She better be damn grateful . I am so glad I told Marisa and nem the truth two days ago because I'm innocent . But I'm a good fucking person . I know I made some bad decisions but this is by far not one of them.

Judge:Is China here

I nodded . She was asked to step forth so she did .

Judge:Would it be too much if I asked to see your back .

She nodded no and a policewoman held up the back of her shirt exposing her back . The scars are still there . They've healed but they are there . She went to go sit back down .

So we really gonna take the blame for this . You got some big fucking balls .

Me:I know right .

Judge:Due to your disabilities and confessing I'm gonna give you the being it of the doubt . 7 months in prison.

Thank god . Only 7 months . The case was closed and I walked over to Marisa .

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