Chapter 2

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- a couple days later -

"MATT JUST GO!!! PLEASE IM DONE!" I'm crying and theres a knock on the front door "ill get it mom!" I wipe my tears and go to the door. Its Keith i forgot that he was picking me up to go out. I clearly have been crying and its upset.

"Caitlin!? What Happened!? Are you ok!?" He is genuinely concerned.

I say while wiping tears away "I'm I'm fine its nothing.."

"Its definitely something! You can tell me. You can trust me."

"I do i do its jus-" Matt interrupts me

"Who are you!?" He says forcefully as he shoves me behind him

"DON'T YOU DARE put your hands on her! I'm her boyfriend you!?" He comes to my defense

"I will put my hands on MY girlfriend!" He grabs my arm tightly, hurting me.

"OW STOP! I told you Matt i was done! I'm so done with you!" I pull my arm away

He mutters "you get right here you fucking bitch!"

"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL HER!?" Keith grabs him easily overpowering him and pins him to the wall "leave. NOW! If i ever see you near her again i will kill you"

Matt leaves then and there and Keith comes over and kisses me and gives me a huge hug. I'm crying and i don't want to let go.

"Thank you I'm sorry you had to see that" I'm regain my composure and calm down "so where were you gonna take me?"

"Well i was thinkin maybe the movies to see carrie maybe?"

"Sure! Id love too" i grin and he leads me out to his car"

"Ok" he's grinning and we drive out to the movies.

- after the movie -

"I had a ton of fun!" I'm grinning as i get back into his car

"so enough fun for a second date?" He smiles waiting for a response

"Definitely i owe you so much for rescuing me from him"

" no prob and you don't owe me anything he has no right to do that at all" he kisses me and i grin

"ill happily go for a second date!"

"Good i was hoping youd say that" he laughs and starts the car we go and drive for bit.

"Wait stop"

He pulls over "whats wrong did you forget something?"

"No i just don't want to go back yet" i smile "I wanna stay out for a little while"

"O-Ok" he smiles "what do you want to do?"

"I have an idea"

"Ok! Share!!"

"Well i want to go somewhere where i can see the stars or somewhere i can see something not ordinary"

"I know just the place" he smiles and drives off we pull up to the back of an airport and drive right past the no trespassing sign "well here we are" i grin and get out of the car, planes are coming in and out constantly.

"This is soo cool!" I'm just loving it

"So how do you feel about this?"

"Perfect" he comes up behind me and puts his arms around me and kisses me. "I love you" he says

"I do too, i really do. this is going to last i know it will" i turn and look at him and grin "i love you"

He's grinning and he picks me up and i kiss him "good I'm glad cause i want to marry you some day"

Next thing i know is that cops are pulling up "oh shit! Keith!" I'm laughing "uh oh"

"Your dad's gonna kill me you know that right?"

"Yeah well here they come" the cop gets out of the car and walks over here....

Little things (A Keith Urban Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now