Chapter 23

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-standing in the idol chamber-

I can do this. I know i can, I must remember to breathe.. Keith always loved my voice... why am i so stupid!? i never should have told them that -the light turns green- here i go

I walk out with my guitar and step up to the center stage. My mouth drops. Keith is the third judge. He doesn't quite realize who i am yet.

"So whats your name b-" he jut realized who I am

"Keith you ok?" Harry asks

"Excuse me for a sec" he gets up and walks out clearly upset and shocked.

Jennifer says "hi sorry about him.. i don't know whats going on except his girlfriend passed 5 months ago and he took it and still is taking it really hard."

"I know.. I am well was - still am - actually i don't know now but anyway i was his girlfriend... the one who "passed" 5 months ago.." i don't realize that he has walked back in "I'm so stupid.. I don't know why i thought it would be best for him to think that but i did and now i regret it so much.."

"Oh wow" Harry says "anyway lets get going, so what song are you going to sing?"

I take a deep breath "ill sing Stupid Boy by Keith Urban" I start to play and sing. about halfway through the song jay lo stops me.

"That was amazing" she is smiling "your a natural"


"Hands down yes from me" Harry says

"Me too, how about you Keith?" jay lo says

I quickly turn around "your here"

He chuckles a little "yes I'm here. Ok so first things first. Is that my shirt?"

I laugh "yes it is..."

"Thats the first thing you say?" Harry is laughing

"Cait that was amazing, you played that really well."

"Thank you"

"Well without a doubt its a yes" jay lo grabs a ticket "your going to Hollywood

"Thank you!" i squeal with joy. i give jay lo a hug, shake Harry's hand and turn to Keith who is now sitting down with his arms crossed. he shakes his head no and i just look down fake a smile and walk out.

-on the outside-

"You coulda told me Keith was the third judge!"

"Wait did that cause you to not make it?" Nikki asks

I grin "no i made it with flying colors, he judged me like i was just another contestant but you could tell he was hurt" they scream

"Off to Hollywood!" My mom says. I lean up against the wall and just start to cry..

-back in the room while my parents are finding out-

"I need a break" Keith sighs

"Its out lunch break now actually" Jennifer says

"Oh good" Keith forces a smile

"Keith stop" Harry says

"Wha what did i do?"

"What the hell are you doing!?"

"Getting up?"

"No! your not going to go after her? i thought she was the love of your life? you just found out that she's alive after 5 months of you thinking she's dead you find out she's alive and your going to just let her walk away!? you heard her she regretted it. she tried. yet you turned her down! I don't understand why your not going after her!?" He tells Keith

"I-I don't know. Why the heck am i not?" he grabs his keys and runs out of the room "Ill see you guys later" what the hell am i doing? She's alive and i turned her down. where is she?

"Caitlin don't cry!" Nikki is trying to calm me down

"How can i not!? i ruined it! he hates me.. he really does" I just turn around and next thing i know I'm being wrapped up in a big hug.

"I don't hate you. not at all. I was being a jerk, I never realized how much i truly love you and needed you until you were gone. Caitlin I love you so much. I just want to know why." He pulls me in close

"I don't know why.. i thought wed be better off but i was wrong. so wrong." I cling to him "I'm so sorry"

"I know you are. now please stop crying I hate to see you cry."

"Ok just give me a second here to calm down" I take a couple deep breaths and wipe my eyes.

"I'm on my lunch break want to go to lunch or something?"

"Sure" I smile and its the only time I've really truly smiled since we had our break. "that is if its ok with everyone else" i turn and look at my parents,

"Sure, I know that if we said no you'd go anyway"

"Thats true" I grin and Keith leads me away.

Little things (A Keith Urban Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now