Chapter 44

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-after the flight lands-

We drive home and I look at the clock... "yeah i have literally 10 minutes left of 9th period.. I'm not going in.."

"Good so I have you all afternoon." he sits down on the couch.

"Actually you don't Im going riding then out with Nikki"

He laughs "ok then, Ill be here.."

"Why don't you go and look into parenting and see if you still want it"

"Cait I'm ready for this"

"You are but I'm not" I roll my eyes and grab my helmet "ill be back later"

-a couple hours later-

Its around 11 when i get back. Keith's out cold on the couch, i cant help but laugh at the fact that theres multiple parenting books on the coffee table. I run upstairs, hop in the shower, then change into my pajamas and climb in bed. I debate wether or not to go and wake up Keith but I don't. I fall quickly asleep..

-the next morning-

I wake up early and get ready to go to school.. I'm almost out of the house when I realize its Saturday and that I have a doctors appointment this afternoon. Keith's still on the couch, I slip on a T-shirt and shorts. I go and jump on the one open spot on the couch startling him awake.

"I'm awake! I'm awake!" He sits up so quickly.

"Now you are!"

"Ugh what time is it?"


"Why are you up.. its Saturday"

"I thought it was Friday"

"Ah.. well I'm going to go take a shower. I have some errands to run today so ill be in and out."

"Ok. I have a doctors appointment at 2 so ill be gone for a couple hours around then"

"Ok" he kisses me then goes and jumps in the shower.

- at the doctors office -

"Everything looks good... Has everything been regular?"

"Uh.. now that you mention it no.."

"You haven't been running have you?"

"No not since the incident"

"Ok... I think you know the drill" he hands me a cup


I return a little bit later "ok well we'll have the results back soon. if you don't want to wait we can have the results sent home."

"Ill wait"

"Ok ill be back in 15"


-15 minutes later-

"Ok well here are the results" he hands me a piece of paper.. my

Mouth drops... I'm pregnant.. again..

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