Chapter 58

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I've just been driving, i dont know to where, i just left.

I'm thinking to myself "he's been living a lie this whole time.. God to think that i was actually engaged to him.. he's truthfully been married this whole time.. and i thought he liked me. Was he using me? i.. i dont know. I don't know anything anymore i can't do this. i really can't..." I've been hysterically crying. Keith is still blowing up my phone. I've had enough i go and reach for it. I barely took my eyes off the road when i got hit. It was a big utility truck that hit me. The car rolled and everything went black. Thats the last thing i remember...


Keith's frantically searching for me. "I can't believe i did this.. i screwed up big time.. oh great traffic.." he pulls over to let the firetrucks and ambulance pass. "must've been an accident" he says thinking out loud. the police have put up barriers to prevent anyone from passing. He gets out and walks over to see whats going on. All the color suddenly drains from his face. "That can't be Cait's car.. oh god no." He runs towards the barrier to get to the ambulance that I'm being loaded on too.

"Sir you cannot pass!"

"NO! oh god no! sir you gotta let me through thats my fiancée!" Keith's practically in hysterics.

"Sir you can't pass, I'm sorry but you can't."

"NO! N-" he can't even finish his sentence cause he sees me being put on a stretcher. He's in hysterics. "oh my god no"

"Ok ok! sir calm down ill go ask if you can ride in with them. or follow it in,"

Keith just nods. He follows the ambulance in and rushes in with them. I'm rushed immediately into the ER.

Keith over heard the one EMT talking to a nurse about me and moved closer to listen.

".. She flatlined twice on the way in, her fiancée or boyfriend is here, i know that, I'm so glad he didn't ride in with us. We brought her back both times but shes in serious critical condition. It'll be a true miracle if she survives the surgery... and i heard shes- well was pregnant.. I truly don't know if she'll survive. I-"

"Oh god"

"Oh you are- uh"

"She fl-flatlined twice?" He's trying to hold back the tears.

"Mhmm but she came back very quickly which is good for those conditions."

"But - she died twice"

"Yes but the doctors here are very good and they're gonna do their best to save her."

He's crying "but sometimes their good enough isn't actually good enough"

"Sir please we'll take great care of her" one of the nurses says as he goes and sits back down with his hands covering his face...

Little things (A Keith Urban Fan Fic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang