Chapter 46

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After riding for a good hour. I realize that I have no idea where i am.. I just took off and didn't pick a set route.. I'm lost.. I check my phone its only been an hour so i have plenty of time before dark. I make my way out of the woods and onto a small side street. I don't recognize it at all... something's not right. Ichabod can feel it. I feel him suddenly become tense and alert. he's getting ready to bolt. He's starting to sidestep then almost reared. I cant figure out whats freaking him out. He takes off heading towards what looks like a schoolyard. He soars over its fence and i finally rein him in, in the field.

I slip off his back and hold his bridle. "Whoa whoa! Ichabod calm it down. Its ok." I softly tell him and he begins to calm down.

"Whats wrong bud? I'm not going to hurt you. nothing's going to hurt you. whats up?" I give him a chance to graze and he calms down. Someone who was driving by happened to watch the whole thing happen and stopped to make sure were ok.

"You guys ok over here?"

"Yeah thanks, he freaked over something and took off."

"Theres things said about that stretch of road, its said to be haunted. Maybe thats what freaked him out."

"Maybe, uh can I ask you a question" I slide back up on Ichabod's back

"Sure! ask away"

"What town am I in?"

"Hah your in Fair Hills"

My mouth drops "I'm that far away!? I knew i pushed his endurance but.. thanks!"

"No prob you all good?"

"Yes thank you"

"Ok well have a good afternoon" the bystander gets back in her car and drives off.

"Well at least I know where we are." I pay Ichabod and he turns and looks at me. I make a point of bringing him the long way around to avoid that one stretch of road. I kick him forward and find an open gate to ride out of. I'm debating wether or not to tell Keith the news...

... 15 minutes later i stop Ichabod and call Keith

"Hey Cait whats up?"

I'm crying a little "hey"

"You ok!? what happened? Did you fall?"

"Oh no no I'm fine, were fine Ichabod spooked about 30 min ago but I'm used to having horses freak so.."

"Ok good, so whats up?" he says impatiently

"Oh I'm sorry, am i interrupting you from something?"

"I was kinda in the middle of cooking but.."

"Fine nevermind i wont tell you that I'm pregnant then" I'm smiling on the other end of the line.

"Wait WHAT!?" he's obviously excited

"You heard me" i grin

"What!? since when!?"

"Its really early on.. About a week maybe."

"So i don't have to wait till after prom to try?"


"Yes!! oh shit, I'm burning dinner, i gotta go ill see you later ok!?"

"Ok!" He hangs up and I start to ride back

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