Chapter 49

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-a couple weeks later, he's been hanging out with the judges a lot more-

"Keith I'm going out, ill be back later"

"No you can't"

"Uh why not?"

"Cause..I don't want to be alone" he grins.

"Ok but i really gotta work with Ichabod."

"Ok.. but"

"Ill be back in a few hours"

"Fine" he's trying not to smile.

I head out to the barn, I'm thinking to myself, he's been saying no to me doing a lot of things lately.. i wonder why.. Anyway I go and work with Ichabod.

I come back and Keith's watching Tv.

"Hey wanna go-"


"Umm ok, for dinner-"


"Keith you won't let me finish"




"What has gotten into you!?"


"Oh so you saying 'No' to anything i say is nothing!?"



"geez no need to get upset"

"No need to get so upset!? are you fucking kidding me!"


"All I've heard from you Is 'no you can't do this' or 'no you have to do this'! and you know what!? I cant and I wont do this anymore, here take this back. I'm done!" I slam the ring down on the table.

"Caitlin stop being such a drama queen, you constantly overreact at everything! Hayden was right when she said that you aren't good enough for me!"

"Fuck you. your a real dick you know that right?" That hurt. I'm crying and I grab my things, stuff it in my bags and load them up in the car. I drive back to my parents house, drop off my bags and just drive, to god knows where, i just dont stop. His words keep repeating over and over in my head, "Hayden was right when she said you weren't good enough for me.."

Back at the house Keith is kicking himself for letting me walk away.. For letting himself say that. he never meant it.

I have no idea where I am, Keith's been blowing up my phone. I just turned it off. By the time I stop I pull into the parking lot of some hotel. I check the clock and I've been driving for a good 4 hours.. Its late and I'm tired so I go in and rent a room for the night. I turn back on my phone and now my parents, friends and Keith have blown up my phone. I call my parents back and my friends but not Keith.

"Yeah so I'm in Lancaster, apparently"

"You just kept driving didn't you."

"Yeah.. ill stay the night out here.. Keith is the last person I want to see or talk too."

"He's upset and he feels terrible.. he wanted me to tell you that he's sorry."

"Tell him its too late for that.. I'm done, what he said hurt. I don't care what he says. He admitted that I'm not good enough for him. Tell him to go and be with Hayden. Apparently she knows whos best for him." I'm very upset

Theres a long pause

"...Caitlin I dont want anyone else, You are good enough for me - even better- than what's best... Im so sorry.."

its Keith, I told him what I felt and not my parents. I hang up. I just break down on the bed and cry.

Little things (A Keith Urban Fan Fic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ