Chapter 14

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-weeks pass and not a word from her-

-While zoning out-

"Its really over between us I guess..."

He sits at a small coffee shop on the corner of Main Street opening and closing the ring box before putting it back in his pocket. "Maybe I should stop carrying this around and start to move on.. I cant though.. I don't wanna be with anyone else" something snaps him out of his little world. it was the bell above the door.

"Sir here's your drink"

"Oh thanks sorry i kinda zoned out"

The girl behind the counter chuckles "thats quite alright"

He goes and sits down in a little corner booth and just watches the world go by. A young couple comes in. "That should've been us... if only i hadn't screwed up.. that would've been us" a

Tear rolls down his cheek. He quickly wipes it away. He watches more people come and go. He zones out again. "I need to call her ... or .. actually no ... she hadn't picked up the last time i called... but that was a while ago maybe it'll be different"


He's snapped out of his zone again

"Hi" he isn't really paying attention

"So i don't get any 'Oh My God It's You' responses?" i smile a little

"What?" he finally looks up to see who he's talking to "why woul- Oh My God." he's in shock

"There we go. may i sit?" i laugh

"Of-of course. you don't ever need to ask"

I sit down across from him and hold my cup of hot chocolate "so how are you?"

"Truthfully.... a wreck"

"Ah... yeah ... i can relate" I smile a little. "so are you seeing anyone?"

"Nope people have tried to get me too but i refuse. you?"

"I haven't either... I don't trust too many people" I look at the floor.

"Thats partially my fault.. isn't it"

"A little but mainly Matt's"

"Oh! how are you!? last time i saw you, you were in a hospital bed"

"I'm good thanks..."

"No problem"

"Well I have to go... umm I guess ill see you around?" I lean over and give him a goodbye kiss on the cheek

"Aww ok" he smiles "wait no" he grabs my arm "I'm not gonna loose you again, I can't"

I grin "I was hoping you'd say that" I lean over and kiss him. "its been so hard going on without seeing you... I haven't called cause I figured that you had moved on..."

"I could never move on your my world and it all came crashing down when you left" he kisses me "so ill see ya later?"

"Ill call you when I'm free ok?" he nods, i kiss him then walk away. after i walk away he jumps up and is ecstatic.

Little things (A Keith Urban Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now