Chapter 22

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-5 long months later-

"Nikki i still cant believe I'm trying out for American idol tomorrow! and then turning 18 in 2 weeks! Like oh my god!" I giggle as she sits down on the plane seat next to me. my parents are sitting behind us.

"Caitlin so what are you going to do for your birthday?" Nikki asks

"I dont know..." I look into my carry on and see his T-shirt, now my lucky shirt i guess you can call it. I take it almost everywhere with me. It still smells like him.. I think back to that night... why did I tell them to tell him that!? i think about him everyday. I miss him...

"Hah ok well ill surprise you with something ok!?"

"Ok!" i force a smile

"Caitlin whats wrong? I've Been best friends with you since like kindergarten and you still think you can force a fake smile and have me not realize it!?"

"Its nothing just... him.."

"Caitlin he still lives 20 min away from you, if you really feel that bad about it go to his house and make up with him!"

"But what if he never forgives me?"

"Caitlin I'm sure he'll forgive you. i know that if i found out that the love of my life who i thought has been dead for 5 months is actually alive, id forgive them in a heartbeat."

"Hmm.. Its true you never really know how much a person means to you till after they're gone."

"Yeah Thats true"

"Ill think about maybe calling and leaving a message"

"Start off with that and see how that goes." She smiles "now be happy your auditioning in Nashville!"

"Oh I am thats right! Who are the judges again?"

"Harry Connick Jr., Jay Lo and.. i dont remember the third" she's lying

"Ah ok thanks"

-we land pretty late so we just head to our rooms, its the next morning-

I throw on Keith's old T-shirt, a pair of riding pants and my boots. theres a knock on my door "Coming!" i run over to the door and its Nikki with my parents

"Lets go"

"Ok!" i grab my guitar then follow them out the door and hotel

We drive to the audition place and get in line. I sign in and find out that I'm one of the first of the second sessions of the auditions so hopefully they like me, I know Keith really liked my voice but..

"Caitlin i got us seats over here"

"Ok" I come and sit down and start to practice a little while later my number gets called...

Little things (A Keith Urban Fan Fic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt