Chapter 51

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- a week later sitting in the judges room awaiting my fate-

"Ok baby so.. you are in the top 15!" Jake says.

Keith clears his throat signaling that he isn't happy with what jake called me. "you are definitely our favorite contestant by far this year." Keith grins and I'm like crying cause I'm happy, he comes over and gives me a kiss, i get a hug from everyone else but Hayden, Jake hugs me longer than he should have which causes Keith to flip out.

"JAKE!" Keith hops out of his chair and starts to go after jake. I stop him before he gets close to doing anything.

"Keith stop. you are being ridiculous!"

"Oh im being ridiculous? Jake is not me!"

"Keith. stop and look at yourself. you know i wouldn't cheat on you and your getting yourself all worked up over it. I feel like I'm your mother and you two are brothers arguing over something stupid so stop!" I cross my arms in disapproval

He's laughing "Caitlin, I'm sorry but i cant take you seriously right now... "

"Keith!?" i uncross my arms a scoff but still smile.

"Thats my name"

"Indeed, now ill see you later k?"


"Now you behave!"

"I will .." He says as i walk out "not"

"I heard that!"

"I didn't say anything!" he's laughing

"Sure you didn't!" I get into the elevator and make my way back to the waiting area to deliver the news to the few friends I've made,

Ryan asks me "so thumbs up or?"

"Thumbs up!"

"Congrats!" he gives me a hug

"You gotta watch them.. Keith is gonna rip out Jakes throat..."

"Its that bad?"

"Let me just say Keith gets protective and jealous.."

"Ah so has Keith told you what your gonna do on valentines day yet?"

"No not at all.. he hasn't even mentioned it, why?"

"Oh just wondering.."

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