Chapter 41

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I get up and go over to the door. I open it and guess who.

"What are you doing here?"

"Could ask the same question to you. Last time I checked you left Keith." Hayden says with an attitude

"But we made up. I'm still his fiancée, and it doesn't explain why your here?"

"I dont see a ring!"

I totally forgot to get that back from Keith. "I just haven't gotten it back yet"

"Sure now can I come in?"


"Why not?"

"Cause I said so, its my hotel room too and I dont want you in here."

"Plea-" I shut the door before she can finish talking and I lock it. I walk back over to Keith who's still leaning on the arm of the couch.

"Now where was I?"

"Wait before we get back to that, here" he hands me back the ring. "let me guess that was Hayden."


"Figures.. ok you can continue now."

"Well that was quick" I laugh still standing by him.

"Are you gonna get on me or am I going to have to get up and get you!?" He hops up quickly and grabs me laughing. I playfully let out a scream as he grabs me and lays me down. I kinda just stop and stare at him for a good minute before he breaks the silence.

"What?" he laughs

I kinda snap out of the trance I'm in "oh nothing" I tease him with a small peck on the lips.

"Its definitely something, you stared at me for a good minute"

"Oh i was just thinking about how much I love you."

"Ah you know my answer to that"

I grin and I lean into his kiss. He pins me down and kisses my neck, I laugh a little as i feel his hand slide down my back. I slip off his shirt and I wrap my arms around his back leaning into him. He slips off my tank top and makes quick work of my jeans. I let out a little gasp when he begins...

... I wake up the next morning leaning on his chest. I look up at him and whisper "hey babe."

"Hey gorgeous" he laughs.

"What time does the plane leave?"

"10. why?"

I pick up my phone. "Its 915, crap" We both shoot up, grab clothes and quickly throw whatever were not wearing into the suitcases and do a once over of the room. "we have everything right?"

"Yup" he's trying to keep a strait face but he can't.


"Your forgetting something" he's laughing.

"Wait I'm so confused"

"This" he's holding my dress

"Oh yeah! that's kinda important" I grab it and we run down to grab a cab.

"Lets hope we make the flight" he cant help but smile...

Little things (A Keith Urban Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now