Chapter 57

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-a couple weeks later -

I'm still in the top 5, I'm staying with Keith and everything is well until i go food shopping one day and find the magazine at King Kullen. I'm crying the whole way back in the car.

"Hey Babe" Keith walks out in his usual good mood. His smile quickly turns to a frown when he see's that I'm in tears. "Whats wrong!?"

"Nothing." i throw the ring and the magazine at him.

"Cait- what is this?" he looks at the magazine and on the cover "Keith and Nicole $175 million divorce shocker." he run's after me.


"No- yes- no "

"Keith what? how how could you?"

"We're just finalizing the details.. we've been separated for a while. its star magazine they start so many rumors. we didn't want the press to find out about the divorce so we kept it quiet and i guess they figured it out."

"So you mean to tell me that this whole time we've been together - what has it been? 10 months? a year? - and you've been MARRIED this whole time!?" I'm in hysterics.

"Yes but were separated- its official since Friday.. i won the case though"

"I-I don't care. you've been engaged to me this whole time - I'm pregnant with your child! and you neglect to tell me that you're married!? what the hell.." i slide down the wall and cry.

"Cait baby just cause i was married doesn't mean i don't love you. you know i love you and nothing's going to change that."

"Keith I'm done I'm sorry that was it." I get up grab what i have over there and just take off. To god knows where, i just drive. Keith's blowing up my phone. I completely ignore it. I'm done. I'm in hysterics. i just keep driving.


Keith doesn't know what to do. he doesn't want to leave the set but then again he wants to go after me. he calls up Harry to ask what to do.

"Ha-Harry?" Keith can barely make out the words.

"Keith you ok?"

"No - Harry she's gone. i - i don't know what to do.. should i go after her or?"

"Whoa whoa back a step up. what happened?"

"Cait - she saw the magazine cover about me and Nics divorce.."

"You never told her that you were still married and was waiting for the divorce to be finalized!?"

"No.. I told her that i was already divorced.."

"Keith and explain to me why your not going after her?"

"I- i don't know. ill call you later i gotta go" Keith jumps up and grabs his keys and just takes off in search of me..

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