Chapter 60

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They were able to get my heart started again and Addie comes running in.

"What happened!?"

"She coded and now the baby's blood pressure is all over the place."

"Ok let me do an ultrasound" she. Pulls over an ultrasound machine.

"Damn it. how did i miss it before!? the baby's gotta come out. She's having. An ectopic pregnancy."

"But the babies barely 5 months old." Mer says.

"I know but its either her and the baby being lost or just the baby. she could always try again if she really wants too. It's gonna be harder but she can if she wants."

"Oh God no, not again." Keith says obviously scared and upset.

"Get him outta here."

"NO N-" the nurses drag him out.

I'm coming in and out of consciousness. I can feel myself drift away from everything and then snap back into the commotion of being rushed to an OR. Dr. Grey's telling me everything's gonna be alright, before i know it I'm lying in the ICU coming out of anesthesia to a red eyed- pale guy who looks like he hasn't slept in days.

"Oh my god your awake!" he jumps up.

I look at this guy, having no idea who he is.

"Caitlin I-" he sighs "You're mad and you have every right to be. I shoulda told you that i was separated and not divorced. I'm sorry. it was a stupid move. It really was. If i could go back and change it I would but i can't. I'm so sorry."

"Umm" i manage to say still sorta groggy. "Who are you?"

"That's prob just the meds you'll probably remember later.."

-sorry for not posting in a while I'm tryin to get back into a regular daily/ couple day posts :) -

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