Chapter 59

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-a couple hours later she's still in surgery -

Keith's been a nervous wreck the whole time. You can just tell he's hurting. the doctor finally walks out. Keith jumps up and runs over to her.

"H-how is she!?"

"She's alive, she's in critical condition, im sorry but its not looking good. it'll be a true miracle if she makes it through the night... " The doctor just places ers hand on Keith's arm and just gives him a look as if to say that 'I'm sorry'. Keith just walks back to the wall and slides down to the floor and just breads down.

-he doesn't know how much time had passed before one of the doctors snap him out of his trance-

"Keith sir please calm down I -"

"How am I supposed to calm down!? i just got told my fiancée - my love - my whole world, is most likely not gonna survive the night!?"

"When she wakes up she'll need someone who's calm and supportive to be there."

"They said she prob wont make it! Dr.. Grey?"

"Its looking a lot better than before and, yes I'm Dr. Meredith Grey. your fiancée's doctor."

"We just had our top neurosurgeon stop the bleeding in her brain, she had brain activity so it didn't swell to badly, shes not brain dead which is great."

"Ok th-thats good"

-a couple hours later I'm outta surgery and Keith's in the room waiting for me to wake up.-

"C'Mon Cait you gotta wake up. please"

They have me on a bunch of different machines to monitor not just me but the baby too.

Dr. Grey walks in with Dr. Shepard.

"Sir you must be her fiancé?"


"Ok well its looking very hopeful her brain didn't swell much and shes not brain dead. her injuries will heal. it'll take time. she's gonna need you there with her."

"I'm gonna be here every step.. she won't want me to be here cause its my fault she got in the accident.. i kinda didnt tell her that the divorce wasn't finalized until about a week ago and we've been together for months... my stupidity caused this."

"Oh Derek sound like someone i know?" Dr. Grey makes a face.

"Heh, yeah. but Sir i know she'll still want you here. no matter what shes upset cause she loves you, and you were kinda being shared even though you weren't with your ex."

"Ok I-"

Suddenly some of the monitors start going off.

"She's coding!" Dr grey shouts and presses the button.

"Derek page Addison! NOW!"

"Ok" he goes to tell the nurses to page her.

"Someone get Keith outta here..."

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