Chapter 64

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I wait and I wait. Then I decide to call.

No answer. Of course. This is exactly what i was afraid of. I decide to leave. The whole way home I cry. I'm still living in the house we lived in together. I'm debating on moving but this is where we began so I can't. i just can't move. I pull in the driveway alone. I walk inside. Its very very dark which is odd but not completely unusual. I walk over to the couch and pull up the blanket that's there. I grab the picture of him and I on my coffee table and chuck it across the room where its frame and glass shatters everywhere. I just break down.

"You know that was one of my favorite photos of us right?" Keith's standing there leaning up against the wall with his arms crossed.

"Keith!?" i jump up and run to him and pounce into his arms.

"Hey" He grins as he pulls me close to him.

"How'd you get here!? you weren't at the airport... I waited for 2 hours and you - you didn't show." I wipe away tears.

"I caught an earlier flight and i wanted to surprise you. I'm sorry for not showing, my phone died and my chargers packed in some bag.. I forgot which." He smiles.

"I thought you stood me up." I laugh a little as he wipes away a few tears.

"I wouldn't do that to you without calling." He smiles and goes over to the photo on the floor.

"Ill go get the dust pan."

"Cait I really do love this picture... We were so happy. I miss that. I'm so sorry Cait. I really am. I screwed up big time. I want to get past this with you so we can be happy again..."

I walk over to him and place the dust pan down and wrap my arms around him leaning into his back. "I know you are. I do too... One step at a time. You've gotta earn my trust back. But I really want things back to the way they were. I miss you. I miss us. I love you."

He spins around and smiles. "Why don't we start over? start fresh?"

"Ummm what do you mean?"

"Ill show you."

"Ok...?" I grin.

"Hi I'm Keith" he sticks out his hand waiting for me to take it.

"Hi I'm Caitlin, its nice to meet you." I shake his hand and grin. I lean in and kiss him, signaling a new beginning...

Little things (A Keith Urban Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now